Mary Mushkin's time up north. - Chapter 7 - Shikigami16 (2024)

Chapter Text

The sound of the Elegy RH8 roared through the streets of Sandy Shores. Mary's grip on the wheel tightened, bracing before making a sudden sharp turn to move the into the outside line to capitalize on the acceleration advantage to blast past the car in front of her and secure first place position.

Mary's red eyes flashed briefly into the rear view mirror as she checked to make sure she had cleared the car behind her and had suitable room a second before she made the next turn, dashing in tight to take the inside line before her foot smashed the pedal and made good use of the acceleration that rocketed her forward into a much more comfortable distance.

Mary relaxed her grip on the steering real, letting her fingers momentarily unfurl and stretch out before the suddenly tightly curled and a moan ripped past Mary's lips, filling the cabin of the car which accompanied her eyes involuntarily closing for half a second before flashing back open. Mary risked a glance down, her body was writhing in her seat, trapped in place by more than just her five point harness.

Alex, who had been riding passenger ever since Mary picked her up at the Hen House for her first night race, was leaned over between the seats. Her lips were wrapped around Mary's breast, which had been freed from the confines of black athletic top. Mary's pierced nipple had been coaxed into full attention while Alex's tongue played with it, flicking it back and forth within her mouth in between long suckling pulls on the sensitive tip.

Another cry of pleasure shot out of Mary while she continued to try her best to focus on her race, but it wasn't only Alex's mouth that had been going to work for most of the race, but also Alex's nimble fingers had worked themselves inside of Mary's form fitting leggings so that she now had two fingers buried three knuckles deep inside of Mary's slick c*nt while her thumb happily worked over her cl*t. The combined efforts of the press upon Mary's cl*t while Alex's fingers curled upward against the sensitive little nerve clusters had been tormenting Mary ever since the countdown for the start of the race had begun.

Mary tried to lift herself up off the seat, the arousal is rapidly becoming too much for her to handle. The stimulation was rapidly reaching overwhelming levels. Mary's brain was being pulled in so many directions all at once. She had everything that goes into focusing on the race, the desire to impress her wife since its the first time she's allowed her in the car for races, plus the fact she's been sexually stimulated since the start of the race and was now teetering on the brink of org*sm.

"Oh f*ck" Mary said with a quivering lip as she took the turn out onto the highway.

Suddenly Mary's body flinched with a cry of pain to go with it when Alex's teeth sunk down into the soft sensitive flesh around her nipple. "Not yet!" Alex hissed after relenting on her oral assault of Mary's tit.

"Alex please!" Mary whined, her body continued to writhe in the seat. Her thighs were shaking while she tried to remain in control and keep the gas pedal pressed down while she raced toward the finish line.

Alex elected not to respond, instead her tongue resumed its attack on Mary's pierced nipple, flicking against the ring that dangled before using her teeth to bite into the soft metal to pull upon Mary's nipple at the same time as her thumb pressed down hard against Mary's sensitive cl*t and began to roll it around in a tight little circle against itself to cause another jolt of pleasure.

As the Elegy accelerated up the highway near the bend into the last stretch toward Paleto a torrential downpour began to fall from the sky, heralded by a loud rumble of thunder and a crack of lightning that illuminated the night sky. For as fast as the car drove, Mary's breathing was hastening just as much while her body writhed in her seat, squirming, whimpering, moaning even as she tried to resist, to fight back against what Alex was doing to her, but she knew precisely what to do to Mary and she could always do it so wonderfully well.

"Now!" Alex commanded just as Mary crossed the finish line before Alex's teeth went right back to the sensitive nipple.

Mary let out a scream, she had won the race with minimal effort but now her reward was hitting her all at once as she was given permission to org*sm. Her body shook, her foot let off the gas, her bare hands pulled at the wheel, swerving around a car that was coming to the finish line to meet the racers. The elegy went into a spin, round and round it went across the highway just as Mary's mind was going in circles as the power of her org*sm ripped through her.

The elegy came to a stop on the side of the road just as Mary's palms slapped at the top of the steering wheel before she collapsed in her seat, whimpering little mewls of pleasure while she tried to catch her breath. Alex's tormenting had instead turned to soft little licks across the harshly bitten nipple before Alex's glossy black painted lips found Mary's and drew her into a kiss. Mary whimpered as the kiss deepened, slowly coming back alive to respond to it, allowing her tongue to slither forth to mix with Alex's while her body was awash with pleasure.

Alex allowed her fingers to trace a few light strokes along Mary's sopping wet c*nt before she began to withdraw her hand out from inside of the tight black leggings, pausing only briefly to give a little rub of her wet fingers across Mary's clean shaven mound. Once Alex's hand had left behind the leggings, she broke the kiss and instead brought her fingers up to Mary's lips and began to trace them.

"Open" Instructed Alex

Mary immediately opened her lips so that she could receive the fingers that had been buried deep within her since the race had lined up. Her fiery red eyes closed while she eagerly began suckling on those fingers that were offered to her. The little puckered indents on her cheeks were so cute while they demonstrated just how hard she was sucking the offered digits.

Mary flinched when a knock of knuckles sent out an alert against the dark tinted window of the drivers side. Mary's face was a bright red from the embarrassment but Alex didn't allow her fingers to retreat from Mary's mouth. She was content to make the race host wait a few seconds before her fingers finally withdrew. Instead, Alex laid her head on Mary's shoulder and instantly had her usual innocent little expression on her face, she was just a supportive wife along for the ride.

As the window rolled down, Mary still hadn't fully collected herself only to notice Alex had just barely managed to readjust Mary's sports top in time to cover her breast, still slick with Alex's saliva.

"Here's your cash, good race. See you at the next one." Came a voice from behind a darkened motorcycle helmet while his hand offered the wade of cash.

"Y-you too" Mary said, not at all sounding as cool calm and collected as usual after a win.

When the host walked off, it was Alex who reached across the put the window back up so that they could return to their chamber of privacy within their tinted car. Alex's lips found their way to Mary's neck before she graced it with a gentle kiss that near immediately turned into a bite.

"Ow!" Mary protested.

"Oh you love it." Alex insisted, her hand slowly traveling up along Mary's tummy to press underneath the sports top.

Mary turned to stare at Alex. "What exactly has gotten into you?" Mary questioned.

Alex gave a shrug.

"No seriously. We've done nothing like this sort of thing for months and now you're doing this?" Mary pushed.

Alex shrugged again.

"I've waited for 7 years to get to ride passenger with you in a race, and I thought I'd make the most of it while you still had me in the car." Alex explained with a sly little grin.

"If I knew this is what it'd be like to take you to races, I'd have learned to race with a passenger years ago." Mary said with a little pout on what she'd been missing out on.

"Drive us home, I think we can use this to set some new ground rules for some fun." Alex instructed.

"And why are you suddenly back to being so dominant!?" Mary questioned, all the while putting the car into gear and beginning to drive toward home.

Alex shrugged and left the question unanswered for a couple of minutes.

"We can't both exist as pouty bottoms hoping the other finally takes control." Alex answered truthfully, since they had indeed both been acting like pouty bottoms for a few months now. It was almost like a Mayumi x Violet relationship, a fight for who'd be the bottom.

Mary coughed at that.

"You know I'm not REALLY a bottom! I have so many responsibilities and I'm in charge, like literally all the time Alex." Mary insisted.

"I know, and just like back in the day, when you'd get overwhelmed, I took you to my Paleto house and then I was the one in control from there, and you loved it." Alex responded.

Mary blushed.

"Admit it." Alex insisted.

"It's true." Mary admitted.

"So then if you're not going to channel your inner Makima and put me on a leash like I desire, then I'll start doing it to you, at least in times when you need it, or maybe when you take me racing." Alex explained.

The elegy pulled into the driveway of their house but neither of them made a move to exit the car after it had been shut off. Instead they sat in the GTR while the rain continued to pour down around them. Alex reached back across and picked up the wade of cash from the race winnings that Mary had left laying on the seat between her legs. Alex counted it out, $4200 from winning the race. Alex counted out exactly half of it and slipped it into the inner pocket of her leather jacket before returning half of the winnings to Mary.

"Hey! That's my cash!" Mary protested. "I won that!"

"I think I did more than enough effort to earn my half of the cash. You got edged for an entire race and then a powerful org*sm after it!" Alex insisted.

Mary blushed.

"So is this what it feels like to be findom'd!?" Mary questioned with a little laugh. "Since when are we into that!?"

Alex rolled her eyes.

"You literally called me your filthy little paypig the last time you had me drain my bank account to cover an expense for us!" Alex answered.

"Ok, ok, maybe, but that was, that was a joke!" Mary insisted.

"Was still kinda hot." Alex admitted with a little blush of her own.

The two wives stared at each other for a moment, each with their own little blush on their cheeks. They both leaned in toward each other and allowed their lips to meet for a kiss that seemed to grow in intensity with each passing second but only stopped when Mary's invading hand reaching between Alex's thighs was stopped.

"Let's go inside, I have more I want to say." Alex instructed before she popped open her door and stepped out into the rain and began to hurry inside.

Mary took her time, realizing she was sitting in a puddle of her own making while she worked at unbuckling her harness and then slipping out of the car and pushing the door shut. That'd need cleaning later. Mary walked to the door of their house, taking more time in the rain than Alex did, a little rain never really bothered Mary. By the time Mary entered the house, Alex had already shed some clothing, now the visage that greeted Mary was Alex standing there in her short leather boots, her pale legs remained wrapped in their all to familiar fishnet thigh highs, but now her shorts and shirt were both absent, stead only her leather jacket hung over her torso, leaving her breasts exposed with their own piercings glistening in the dim light of their home.

"Take off your clothes." Alex instructed while her own hand disappeared inside of her jacket.

"I can manage that." Mary said with a sassy little grin creeping across her face.

Mary began to undress, slipping free of her tech wear jacket before she pulled the sports top up and over her head, freeing her breasts from its tight fitting confines. Her breasts were so large, perky eager to see the world with only one of them having signs of Alex's teeth marks from a few minutes prior. Mary bent over to unlace her shoes so that she could step out of them while the sound of Alex bringing her zippo to life to light her cigarette could be heard in front of her.

With Mary's socks and shoes removed, she pulled her leggings and panties down, wiggling out of them with a shimmy and squirm of her hips while her thumbs worked them down over her fat ass all the way down to her knees before she lazily stepped out of them so that she could be naked. Mary stalked her way across the living room toward Alex who stood there taking a long drag from her cigarette. Mary proceeded to next fold downward, settling herself onto her knees in front of her wife before her hands found the tops of her thighs before Mary leaned forward, pressing a kiss onto Alex's hot pale flesh of her lower abdomen on her tummy, just above her neatly trimmed mound.

"Not yet." Alex scolded, her free hand coming down to draw its fingers beneath Mary's chin to pull her back away, delaying her gratification. "But its good that you knelt out of instinct, such a good girl." Alex cooed.

A blush came across Mary's cheeks from being called a good girl. Alex was always so good at knowing how to push her buttons. She had just had her body rocked with a much needed org*sm but she could already feeling her insides burning with the desire of another. Mary lifted her head to gaze up at Alex just as she had elected to step away from in front of Mary. She turned her head to try and follow her with her eyes but Alex's fingertips pressed down on the crown of her skull to turn her head back around.

Alex moved out of view, which left Mary to stew in her own thoughts and juices while she could only hear a few things being moved around before Mary suddenly felt the touch of the folded loop of leather against her shoulder blade. Alex had picked up the riding crop from their collection and was now tracing it along Mary's flesh. Mary's last memory of that crop was using it to torment both Alex's nipples and her puss* a couple of weeks ago. Oh the welts she put onto Alex's pale flesh were so beautiful.

"7 years," Alex began, pausing for a sharp slap of the crop against Mary's shoulder which caused a flinch. "7 years I've waited for what happened when you told me to get in your car for the cluster f*ck of a night race." Alex explained.

"But its the fun kind of cluster f*ck!" Mary said with a little laugh.

"I was just happy to be in the car and for the races after. It's all I've wanted since the very first time you lead me around your house like a dog, and walked me into the garage to show me your Pagani and the story that went with it." Alex said pausing for another drag of the cigarette before the crop snapped sharply against Mary's ass cheek.

"I remember that. I was so mean to you when you first asked to be put on a leash." Mary said with a dreamy little sigh.

"It was hot." Alex admitted. "So I propose from now on, if you're racing, you invite me along, and when I come with you, I'll be the passenger princess." Alex paused. "No, more accurately, I'll be the passenger Mistress. How does that sound?" Alex questioned.

Mary's body shook from that, she could feel the heat rising, her skin was prickling with goose bumps from the building arousal and anticipation. The strokes of the crop was only causing things to hasten in their development. Her mouth opened, parted lips let slip a little moan, a needy, wanton moan before she squirmed on her knees.

"What exactly is a passenger Mistress?" Mary's curiosity was growing.

Alex circled back around Mary until she was stood in front of her. Cigarette in one hand, long firm riding crop in the other. Alex brought the folded leather loop of the crop upward, tracing it along Mary's tummy, higher and higher it traced a path, moving between her delightful breasts, up over her upper chest, along her neck until finally the crop's folded leather stopped right beneath Mary's chin, using it to raise her head so that their eyes could lock.

"When I am in the car, I am in control." Alex explained. "Everything is Yes Mistress, No Mistress, Thank you Mistress." She paused, allowing herself to grin. "Your body is for me to play with when we're in the car together, especially when you're racing." Alex adjusted the crop, moving Mary's chin even higher. "You liked what I did that race, yes?"

Mary's face became bright red with thoughts of everything that was done to her body throughout that entire race. She nodded immediately.

"Yes, it was distracting, but I loved it, very much." Mary admitted.

"Good girl." Alex said with a hint of pleasure in her tone before she took another long drag off of her cigarette. "But I think we can have even more fun with that. While your body is for me to play with while you race, I'm also going to reward, or punish you based on how you do in one race that I'm with you, each day."

Mary flinched at that, the idea of being punished for under-performing was a little bit intimidating given how her luck can go to complete sh*t as of late. Mary tilted her head against the crop which pushed back against her movements.

"Do I pick which race? And what are the rewards?" Mary pushed.

Alex grinned.

"You can pick which race will count, but you have to pick it before you line us up. No getting a 40 second lead and declaring this is the race that counts!" Alex said with a little laugh which was met with a laugh from Mary as well. They both knew she'd do that sh*t!

Mary sighed while crossing her arms together under her breasts in a frumpy little pout. "Okay, fiiiiine!" Mary agreed with a huff."

"If you get on the podium, or well second or third I should say, I will reward you with eating your puss*." Alex began while she lowered the crop, bringing it down to lightly tap upon Mary's pierced left nipple. "If you get in the top 5, I'll make out with you while I finger blast you."

Mary's breathing was hastening again, which she began to fight against by trying to take deeper breaths to slow things down but she could feel herself getting more and more wet as Alex continued.

"What about if I win?" Mary breathlessly asked.

Alex smirked.

"If you win, I'll take my strap and f*ck the sh*t out of you on the hood of the car you won in." Alex answered.

Mary gasped. "At the end of the race!?" she questioned.

Alex gave a little shrug.

"Whenever, wherever I want. Do you want it to be at the finish line? With all those people watching? Staring at you, admiring how hot you are as you get bent over the hood of a GTR and have your brains f*cked out?" Alex asked with a sharp slap of the crop against Mary's breast to punctuate her point.

Mary squirmed, her knees closed together, feeling the arousal going nuts but Alex immediately pushed her boot forward, smacking its way between her knees to force her thighs back apart. Soon there after the crop was brought down which immediately began to tap aggressively against Mary's dripping slit.

"I" Mary stammered. "I wouldn't hate that."

Alex rubbed the crop in a tight little circle, smearing Mary's wetness over her clean shaven mound.

"I know you wouldn't hate that, in fact, you'd like that very much, slu*t." Alex chided. "But that's not all, we have to consider the other placements you could get."

"What? No way, I only finish on the podium!" Mary insisted.

Alex rolled her eyes perhaps harder than they've ever been rolled before.

"If you finished 6th through 9th, I'll edge you for three times the amount of time the race took, but you won't be allowed to org*sm, but instead you'll get to eat my puss* until only I org*sm, because you were a bad girl who didn't finish on the podium for your passenger Mistress. " Alex continued with a grin.

Mary made a whining sound, being sexually stimulated with no release is something that drives her crazy, which problem explains why she has so much fun doing it to Alex when she's on top.

"10th through 14th and I'll use my crop, my flogger, maybe even my cane so that I can put pretty marks all over your beautiful body. Your breasts, your ass, your hips, your thighs, anywhere I want that I think little bruises, welts or redness would look pretty, and then when you're all hot and bothered by being disciplined, I'm going to let you f*ck me." Alex said with a wicked little gleam in her eye.

Mary perked at that, she both enjoyed the marks Alex has consistently left on her, plus she gets to f*ck Alex?

"What if I don't finish?" Mary asked curiously.

Alex shrugged.

"Alex! Tell me! What happens if I can't finish the race while you're with me!?" Mary continued to push.

Alex grinned before she stepped away to snuff out her cigarette on the ashtray on the table before she circled back around to stand in front of Mary. Her free hand came down to curl into Mary's dark red hair, nice and snug between the two buns.

"If you don't manage to finish, I remove a random part from your car, disassemble it, lock one piece of it away and make you put your latex maid outfit back on and wait on me hand and foot for the rest of the day before I allow you to rebuild your car." Alex said with the devious little snickering laugh of hers.

Mary paled.

"Wait! You don't know..." Mary began before the sharp slap of the crop cut her off.

"Pause. Re-think about my work history in this city for the last 12 years..." Alex cautioned her.

Mary flinched at that, thinking before suddenly her mind became filled with her wife's past. Strokemaster, FastLane, Hayes. Mary forgot that she did in fact fall in love with a career mechanic who only decided to retire from it shortly before they got married. Alex could actually take apart her engine at will.

"I'm guessing by your silence, you no longer doubt that I could take apart your entire engine if I wanted to do so?" Alex asked, the tip of the crop once more slapping back and forth against Mary's inner thighs.

Mary flinched with a shake of her head. "I now remember that you could in fact do that, almost as easily as I could, if you wanted." Mary said with a long exaggerated sigh.

"I picked that punishment for getting a DNF because I know you'll need the distraction. You'll be in your head about disappointing me and it'll throw you off for the rest of the day, so what better way to take your mind off of it than by having having some kinky sex time and then working on your car together?" Alex explained the vision of her plan.

Mary's face lit up at that, she hadn't really thought of it that way.

"You'd actually work on a car for this?" Mary questioned.

Alex shrugged. "In exchange for having my hot as f*ck wife in a maid outfit do all sorts of kinky sh*t with me before I get to watch you put it all back together? Oh yeah, I think I can come out of retirement for that exception."

Alex said with a little grin.

"Now, its your turn to put in work." Alex commanded.

Before Mary could object, the tight grip on Mary's hair was used to pull her forward while Alex adjusted her hips, co*cking her thighs open so that Mary's mouth was soon pressed up nice and tight against her c*nt so that her tongue could get to work and get to work it did without missing a thing. Alex let out a little whimper of her own since the arousal she had been feeling had been building ever since she got picked up at the hen house and now it was finally getting some much deserved attention from Mary's talented tongue.

Mary Mushkin's time up north. - Chapter 7 - Shikigami16 (2024)
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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.