Pokemon Location Guide (2024)

Please view the updated Pokemon Location Guide V2 by Shattered Skys

--Thank you for your effort Nickaboo

I figured an all-inclusive guide to Pokemon locations would be a good thing. Help me with the ones that are question marks, please Pokemon Location Guide (1)

NOTE: Some spoilers within.


Bulbasaur: Starter Pokemon. Can also be found on Azurine Island (After saving Cain from the Breeding Facility, there will be a man who will give you an abused Bulbasaur if you show him a Chimecho)

Ivysaur: Evolve Bulbasaur

Venusaur: Evolve Ivysaur

Charmander: Starter Pokemon

Charmeleon: Evolve Charmander

Charizard: Evolve Charmeleon

Squirtle: Starter Pokemon

Wartortle: Evolve Squirtle

Blastoise: Evolve Wartortle

Caterpie: Grass in the Secret Garden in the Lower Peridot Ward

Metapod: Evolve Caterpie

Butterfree: Evolve Metapod

Weedle: Breed Beedrill

Kakuna: Evolve Weedle

Beedrill: Found in the Jasper Ward/ Malchous Forest

Pidgey: Rooftop in Onyx Ward

Pidgeotto: Headbuttable Trees (Chrysolia Forest)

Pidgeot: Evolve Pidgeotto

Rattata: Grass in Opal Ward and Lower Peridot Ward. Probably others.

Raticate: Evolve Rattata

Spearow: Headbuttable Trees (Opal Ward, probably others), Grass in Beryl Ward

Fearow: Grass in Beryl Ward

Ekans: Grass in Opal Ward, Beryl Ward

Arbok: Grass in Beryl Ward

Pikachu: Evolve Pichu

Raichu: Evolve Pikachu

Sandshrew: Under the Grand Stairway, Tanzan Mountain

Sandslash: Tanzan Mountain

Nidoran♀: Byxbysion Wasteland Grass

Nidorina: Evolve Nidoran♀

Nidoqueen: Evolve Nidorina

Nidoran♂: Byxbysion Wasteland Grass

Nidorino: Evolve Nidoran♂

Nidoking: Evolve Nidorino

Clefairy: Evolve Cleffa

Clefable: Evolve Clefairy

Vulpix: Salon in West Obsidia Ward. Show the woman with the Vulpix a Pokemon with high friendship, and she will give it to you.

Ninetails: Evolve Vulpix

Jigglypuff: Evolve Igglybuff

Wigglytuff: Evolve Jigglypuff

Zubat: Underground Railnet

Golbat: Tanzan Mountain

Oddish: Obsida Park, Chrysolia Forest, Tanzan Cove

Gloom: Tanzan Cove, Chrysolia Forest

Vileplume: Evolve Gloom

Paras: Tanzan Cove (probably another place)

Parasect: Tanzan Cove

Venonat: Rooftop in Onyx Ward

Venomoth: Evolve Venonat

Diglett: Under the Grand Stairway

Dugtrio: Evolve Diglett

Meowth: Grass in Opal Ward

Persian: Evolve Meowth

Psyduck: Onyx Game Corner for 1,500 coins

Golduck: Evolve Psyduck

Mankey: Obsidia Slums

Primeape: Evolve Mankey

Growlithe: Obtainable after finding all five missing policemen in the Jasper/Beryl Wards

Arcanine: Evolve Growlithe

Poliwag: Tanzan Cove

Poliwhirl: Evolve Poliwag

Poliwrath: Evolve Poliwhirl

Abra: Trade for a Bibarel in the West Peridot Ward

Kadabra: Evolve Abra

Alakazam: Evolve Kadabra with a Linkstone

Machop: Pyrous Mountain

Machoke: Pyrous Mountain

Machamp: Evolve Machoke with a Linkstone

Bellsprout: Rooftop in Onyx Ward, Tanzan Cove

Weepinbell: Tanzan Cove

Victreebell: Evolve Weepinbell

Tentacool: N/A

Tentacruel: N/A

Geodude: Under the Grand Stairway

Graveller: Evolve Geodude

Golem: Evolve Graveller with a Linkstone

Ponyta: Magma/Aqua Gang storyline

Rapidash: Evolve Ponyta

Slowpoke: N/A

Slowbro: N/A

Magnemite: Abandoned Factory (Shade's Gym)

Magneton: Evolve Magnemite

Farfetch'd: Azurine Island (Headbuttable Trees)

Doduo: Grass in Jasper Ward

Dodrio: Evolve Doduo

Seel: N/A

Dewgong: N/A

Grimer: Fishing in Coral Ward, Byxbysion Wasteland Grass

Muk: Byxbysion Wasteland Grass

Shellder: N/A

Cloyster: N/A

Gastly: Byxbysion Wasteland. Video guide: http://youtu.be/smU1LIo16Ys?t=1m39s

Haunter: Evolve Gastly

Gengar: Evolve Haunter with Linkstone

Onix: Tanzan Mountain

Drowzee: N/A

Hypno: N/A

Krabby: Apophyll Beach

Kingler: Evolve Krabby

Voltorb: ?

Electrode: ?

Exeggcute: Azurine Island (headbuttable trees)

Exeggutor: Evolve Exeggcute

Cubone: Byxbysion Wasteland Grass

Marowak: Evolve Cubone

Hitmonlee: N/A

Hitmonchan: N/A

Lickitung: N/A

Koffing: Alleyway in West Peridot Ward

Weezing: Evolve Koffing

Rhyhorn: N/A

Rhydon: N/A

Chansey: Evolve Happiny

Tangela: Jasper/Beryl Wards

Kangaskhan: ?

Horsea: N/A

Seadra: N/A

Goldeen: Fishing in Peridot Ward/Tanzan Cove (Old Rod)

Seaking: Evolve Goldeen, Fishing Peridot Ward (Good Rod) or Tanzan Cove (Old Rod)

Staryu: N/A

Starmie: N/A

Mr. Mime: Evolve Mime Jr.

Scyther: N/A

Jynx: N/A

Electabuzz: Evolve Elekid

Magmar: Evolve Magby

Pinsir: N/A

Tauros: Route 1

Magikarp: Purchase in Opal Ward for Pokemon Location Guide (2)4000

Gyarados: Evolve Magikarp

Lapras: N/A

Ditto: West Peridot Ward Factory (after finishing Daycare Couple storyline) Guide: http://youtu.be/UEoCuDInp5U?t=4m

Eevee: Chrysolia Forest event. Guide: http://youtu.be/Irejv73-kX0?t=1m

Vaporeon: Evolve Eevee

Jolteon: Evolve Eevee

Flareon: Evolve Eevee

Porygon: Computer in the Onyx Academy

Omanyte: Find Fossil in Mining Stones, take Fossil to the museum in Spinel Town

Omastar: Evolve Omanyte

Kabuto: Find Fossil in Mining Stones, take Fossil to the museum in Spinel Town

Kabutops: Evolve Kabuto

Aerodactyl: N/A

Snorlax: Evolve Munchlax

Articuno: N/A

Zapdos: N/A

Moltres: N/A

Dratini: N/A

Dragonair: N/A

Dragonite: N/A

Mewtwo: N/A

Mew: N/A


Chikorita: Starter Pokemon

Bayleef: Evolve Chikorita

Meganium: Evolve Bayleef

Cyndaquil: Starter Pokemon

Quilava: Evolve Cyndaquil

Typhlosion: Evolve Quilava

Totodile: Starter Pokemon

Croconaw: Evolve Totodile

Feraligatr: Evolve Croconaw

Sentret: Obsidia Park

Furret: Evolve Sentret

Hoothoot: Secret Garden in Lower Peridot Ward (nighttime)

Noctowl: Evolve Hoothoot

Ledyba: Jasper/Beryl Wards

Ledian: Chrysolia Forest Grass, Tanzan Cove Grass

Spinarak: Opal Ward Grass (nighttime)

Ariados: Chrysolia Forest/Tanzan Cove Grass (nighttime)

Crobat: Evolve Golbat

Chinchou: Magma Gang Storyline

Lanturn: Evolve Chinchou/Fishing somewhere

Pichu: Hiding behind a tree on the rooftop in Onyx Ward

Cleffa: Enter abandoned building in West Peridot Ward at night, there will be two Team Meteors conspiring. Then, go to the house in West Peridot with the woman with Cleffa/Igglybuff. Once you defeat the Meteor members, you will be able to receive one.

Igglybuff: See Cleffa

Togepi: Quiz in the Coral Ward (Guide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4de_xOUm59w)

Togetic: Evolve Togepi

Natu: N/A

Xatu: N/A

Mareep: Trade for Growlithe in the Jasper Ward

Flaafy: Evolve Mareep

Ampharos: Evolve Flaafy

Bellossom: Evolve Gloom

Marill: Evolve Azurill

Azumarill: Evolve Marill

Sudowoodo: Evolve Bonsly, South Aventurine Woods

Politoed: Use Linkstone on Poliwhirl holding King's Rock (King's Rock can only be obtained with Pickup)

Hoppip: Obsidia Ward on a windy day

Skiploom: Evolve Hoppip

Jumpluff: Evolve Skiploom

Aipom: Headbutt Trees in Beryl Ward

Sunkern: Breed Sunflora

Sunflora: Obsidia Park

Yanma: Headbuttable Trees on Azurine Island

Wooper: Azurine Island

Quagsire: Azurine Island

Espeon: Evolve Eevee (friendship in Daytime)

Umbreon: Evolve Eevee (friendship in nighttime)

Murkrow: Aqua Gang Hideout (Lapis Ward) nighttime on a windy day

Slowking: N/A

Misdreavus: Hide and Seek in Byxbysion Wasteland at night

Unown: Under the Grand Stairway, Headbuttable trees in Byxbysion Wasteland

Wobbufett: N/A

Giraffarig: N/A

Pineco: Headbuttable Trees

Forretress: Evolve Pineco

Dunsparce: Cave in Beryl Ward

Gligar: Rooftop in Beryl Ward on a windy day

Steelix: Linkstone on Onix with Metal Coat (Metal Coat is where you battle Giant Steelix)

Snubbull: Girl in West Peridot Ward will give it to you when you have two badges

Granbull: Evolve Snubbull

Quilfish: N/A

Scizor: N/A

Shuckle: ? (possibly apophyll beach rock smash)

Heracross: N/A

Sneasel: N/A

Teddiursa: Hide and Seek in Peridot Ward (ends under Opal Bridge)

Ursaring: Evolve Teddiursa

Slugma: Pyrous Mountain

Magcargo: Pyrous Mountain

Swinub: Tanzan Cove, Tanzan Mountain

Piloswine: Evolve Swinub

Corsola: Apophyll Beach during thunderstorm

Remoraid: Fountain in Chrysolia Forest

Octillery: Evolve Remoraid

Delibird: N/A

Mantine: Evolve Mantyke

Skarmory: N/A

Houndour: Magma Gang Hideout (North Obsidia Ward)

Houndoom: Evolve Houndour

Kingdra: N/A

Phanpy: Beryl Ward Grass

Donphan: Evolve Phanpy

Porygon2: Linkstone on Porygon while holding Upgrade

Stantler: Tanzan Cove, Chrysolia Forest Grass

Smeargle: Mysidia Cave

Tyrogue: N/A

Hitmontop: N/A

Smoochum: N/A

Elekid: Rooftop in Beryl Ward on a stormy night

Magby: Under Opal Bridge during Rain

Miltank: Route 1

Blissey: Evolve Chansey

Raikou: N/A

Entei: N/A

Suicune: N/A

Larvitar: N/A

Pupitar: N/A

Tyranitar: N/A

Lugia: N/A

Ho-Oh: N/A

Celebi: N/A


Treecko: Starter Pokemon

Grovyle: Evolve Treecko

Sceptile: Evolve Grovyle

Torchic: Starter Pokemon

Combusken: Evolve Torchic

Blaziken: Evolve Combusken

Mudkip: Starter Pokemon, Event in Byxbysion Wasteland. Guide: http://youtu.be/BaYkHMIFWp8?t=6m25s

Marshtomp: Evolve Mudkip

Swampert: Evolve Marshtomp

Poochyena: Alleyways in Peridot Ward

Mightyena: Evolve Poochyena

Zigzagoon: Event Pokemon in the Obsidia Alleyway

Linoone: Evolve Zigzagoon

Wurmple: Secret Garden in Peridot Ward (Grass)

Silcoon: Evolve Wurmple

Beautifly: Evolve Silcoon

Cascoon: Evolve Wurmple

Dustox: Evolve Cascoon

Lotad: Pier in the Coral Ward on a rainy day

Lombre: Evolve Lotad

Ludicolo: Evolve Lombre

Seedot: Breed Nuzleaf

Nuzleaf: Clearing on the other side of the Beryl Ward Cave (Event Pokemon, you must fight a team of Nuzleaf/Shiftry to be able to catch Nuzleaf)

Shiftry: Evolve Nuzleaf

Tailow: Chrysolia Forest (headbuttable trees)

Swellow: Evolve Tailow

Wingull: Apophyll Beach

Pelliper: Evolve Wingull, Apophyll Beach

Ralts: Lower Peridot Ward Event, pay the "Ahm not a hoozin what's a bunker-luscious" guy repeatedly until he moves

Kirlia: Evolve Ralts

Gardevoir: Evolve Kirlia

Surskit: Press C on the fountain in the West Peridot Ward while it's raining

Masquerian: Evolve Surskit

Shroomish: Azurine Island (Grass)

Breloom: Evolve Shroomish

Slakoth: Obsidia Park at Night

Vigoroth: Evolve Slakoth

Slaking: Evolve Vigoroth

Nincada: Byxbysion Wasteland (Rock Smash)

Ninjask: Evolve Nincada

Shedinja: Evolve Nincada with an empty slot in your party

Whismur: Empty house in Lower Peridot Ward

Loudred: Evolve Whismur

Exploud: Evolve Loudred

Makuhita: Obsidia Slums

Hariyama: Evolve Makuhita

Azurill: Jasper Ward Event, talk to the guy who lost his Azurill, find it in an abandoned building, and the guy won't be there when you try to return it

Nosepass: ?

Skitty: Give a Hyper Potion to the boy in the house next to the Coral Ward Pokemon Center

Delcatty: Evolve Skitty

Sableye: N/A

Mawile: Underground Railnet

Aron: Underground Railnet (headbutt poles)

Lairon: Evolve Aron

Aggron: Evolve Lairon

Meditite: N/A

Medicham: N/A

Electrike: Next to Peridot Gym during a thunderstorm at night

Manectric: Evolve Electrike

Plusle: Obsidia Alleyway

Minun: Obsidia Alleyway

Volbeat/Illumise: Chrysolia Forest

Roselia: Evolve Budew

Gulpin: N/A

Swalot: N/A

Carvanha: Team Aqua Storyline

Sharpeedo: Evolve Carvanha

Wailmer: N/A

Wailord: N/A

Numel: West Peridot Ward during rain after defeating Florinia, Pyrous Mountain

Camerupt: Evolve Numel

Torkoal: Pyrous Mountain

Spoink: Find in Obsidia Ward, then in Coral Ward Warehouses after Daycare Storyline

Grumpig: Evolve Spoink

Spinda: Either being bullied by thugs on Opal Bridge OR in an apartment building in the West Peridot Ward

Trapinch: Game Corner for 10,000 coins

Vibrava: Evolve Trapinch

Flygon: Evolve Vibrava

Cacnea: N/A

Cacturne: N/A

Swablu: N/A

Altaria: N/A

Zangoose: Hide and Seek in all the Alleyways (West Peridot, Lower Peridot, Obsidia, North Obsidia, Lapis)

Seviper: Tanzan Cave

Lunatone: Under the Grand Stairway OR in the Tanzan Caves (Nighttime)

Solrock: Same as Lunatone, except Daytime

Barboach: Cave in Chrysolia Forest (Good Rod)

Wiscash: Evolve Barboach

Corphish: Apophyll Beach (Rock Smash)

Crawdaunt: Evolve Corphish

Baltoy: N/A

Claydol: N/A

Lileep: Fossils

Cradily: Evolve Lileep

Anorith: Fossils

Armaldo: Evolve Anorith

Feebas: N/A

Milotic: N/A

Castform: Trade to a girl in Obsidia Ward for a Furret

Kecleon: Tanzan Mountain

Shuppet: Beryl Cemetery (check the tombstones)

Bannette: Evolve Shuppet

Duskull: Abandoned Factory

Dusclops: Evolve Duskull

Tropius: Rhodochrine Jungle during a Sunny Day (event Pokemon)

Chimecho: Evolve Chingling

Absol: N/A

Wynaut: Labrynth

Snorunt: N/A

Glalie: N/A

Spheal: N/A

Sealeo: N/A

Walrein: N/A

Clamperl; N/A

Huntail: N/A

Gorebyss: N/A

Relicanth: N/A

Luvdisc: Tanzan Cove (Good Rod)

Bagon: N/A

Shellgon; N/A

Salamence: N/A

Beldum: N/A

Metang: N/A

Metagross: N/A

Regirock: N/A

Regice: N/A

Registeel: N/A

Latias: N/A

Latios: N/A

Kyogre: N/A

Groudon: N/A

Rayquaza: N/A

Jirachi: N/A

Deoxys: N/A


Turtwig: Starter Pokemon

Grotle: Evolve Turtwig

Torterra: Evolve Grotle

Chimchar: Starter Pokemon

Monferno: Evolve Chimchar

Infernape: Evolve Monferno

Piplup: Starter Pokemon

Prinplup: Evolve Piplup

Empoleon: Evolve Prinplup

Starly: Rooftop in Onyx Ward on a windy day

Staravia: Evolve Starly

Staraptor: Evolve Staravia

Bidoof: Opal Ward, Peridot Garden (Grass)

Bibarel: Evolve Bidoof

Kricketot: Apartment Building in Lower Peridot Ward (closest to the Underground Railnet)

Kricketune: Evolve Kricketot

Shinx: Game Corner for 4,000 Coins

Luxio: Evolve Shinx

Luxray: Evolve Luxio

Budew: Peridot Garden (Grass)

Roserade: Evolve Roselia

Cranidos: Fossils

Rampardos: Evolve Cranidos

Shieldon: Fossils

Bastiodon: Evolve Shieldon

Burmy: Azurine Island (Headbuttable trees)

Wormadam: Evolve Female Burmy

Mothim: Evolve Male Burmy

Combee: Headbuttable Trees (Opal Ward)

Vespiqueen: Evolve Female Combee

Pachirisu: Save from street thugs on the Opal Bridge OR in an apartment in the Peridot Ward

Cherubi: Peridot Garden (grass)

Cherrim: Evolve Cherubi

Shellos: Azurine Island (Grass)

Gastrodon: Evolve Shellos

Ambipom: Evolve Aipom

Drifloon: Near the Abandoned Powerplant on a windy day

Drifblim: Evolve Drifloon

Buneary: Obsidia Park

Lopunny: Evolve Buneary

Mismagius: Evolve Misdreavus

Honchkrow: Evolve Murkrow

Glameow: Salon in East Obsidia Ward, talk to a lady there, talk to the people in the West Obsidia Salon, then go back. The'll give you a Glameow

Purugly: Evolve Glameow

Chingling: Under the Grand Stairway

Stunky: Alleyways

Skuntank: Evolve Stunky

Bronzor: N/A

Bronzong: N/A

Bonsly: Obsidia Park around noon (grass)

Mime Jr: Opal Bridge, you need to sneak up behind it to encounter it

Happiny: Coral Ward Warehouse

Chatot: Chrysolia Forest (Headbuttable Trees)

Spiritomb: Byxbysion Grotto, you'll need an Odd Keystone

Gible: N/A

Gabite: N/A

Garchomp: N/A

Munchlax: Byxbysion Wasteland (Headbuttable Trees)

Riolu: Trade for a Luvdisc in Apophyll Academy

Lucario: Evolve Riolu

Hippopotas: N/A

Hippowdon: N/A

Skorupi: Byxbysion Wasteland (Grass)

Drapion: Evolve Skorupi

Croagunk: Cave near Abandoned Powerplant (Rock Smash)

Toxicroak: Evolve Croagunk

Carnivine: Jasper Ward

Finneon: Peridot Ward Swimming Pool (Old Rod)

Lumineon: Evolve Finneon, Peridot Swimming Pool (Good Rod)

Mantyke: Tanzan Cove (Good Rod)

Snover: N/A

Abomasnow: N/A

Weaville: N/A

Magnezone: Level Magneton up in the Abandoned Powerplant

Lickilicky: N/A

Rhyperior: N/A

Tangrowth: Evolve Tangela

Electivire: Linkstone on Electabuzz while holding Electirizer (5% chance hold item on Elekid)

Magmortar: N/A

Togekiss: Evolve Togetic

Yanmega: Evolve Yanma

Leafeon: Level Eevee up near Moss Rock (Chrysolia Forest)

Glaceon: N/A

Gliscor: N/A

Mamoswine: Evolve Piloswine

Porygon Z: N/A

Gallade: Evolve Male Kirlia with Dawn Stone

Probopass: Level up Nosepass in Abandoned Powerplant

Dusknoir: N/A

Froslass: N/A

Rotom: N/A

Uxie: N/A

Mesprit: N/A

Azelf: N/A

Dialga: N/A

Palkia: N/A

Heatran: N/A

Regigigas: N/A

Giratina: N/A

Cresselia: N/A

Phione: N/A

Manaphy: N/A

Darkrai: N/A

Shaymin: N/A

Arceus: N/A


Victini: N/A

Snivy: Starter Pokemon

Servine: Evolve Snivy

Serperior: Evolve Servine

Tepig: Starter Pokemon, Event in Pyrous Mountain. Guide: http://youtu.be/BaYkHMIFWp8?t=1s

Pignite: Evolve Tepig

Emboar: Evolve Pignite

Oshawott: Starter Pokemon

Dewott: Evolve Oshawott

Samurott: Evolve Dewott

Patrat: Opal Ward (Grass)

Watchog: Evolve Patrat

Lillipup: Hide and Seek in Onyx, Obsidia, and Peridot Wards

Herdier: Evolve Lillipup

Stoutland: Evolve Herdier

Purrloin: Alleyway in West Peridot Ward

Liepard: Evolve Purrloin

Pansage: Beryl Ward, Rhodochrine Jungle

Simisage: Evolve Pansage

Pansear: N/A

Simisear: N/A

Panpour: N/A

Simipour: N/A

Munna: Byxbysion Wasteland (Grass)

Musharna: Evolve Munna

Pidove: Peridot Garden (Headbuttable Trees)

Tranquill: Evolve Pidove

Unfeazant: Evolve Tranquill

Blitzle: Chrysolia Forest

Zebstrika: Evolve Blitzle

Roggenrola: Cave in Rhodochrine Jungle

Boldore: Evolve Roggenrola

Gigalith: Evolve Boldore with a Linkstone

Woobat: Underground Railnet

Swoobat: Evolve Woobat

Drilbur: Tanzan Mountain (Depths)

Excadrill: Evolve Drilbur

Audino: N/A

Timburr: N/A

Gurdurr: N/A

Conkeldurr: N/A

Tympole: Breed Palpitoad

Palpitoad: Azurine Island

Seismitoad: Evolve Palpitoad

Throh: N/A

Sawk: N/A

Sewaddle: Jasper Ward

Swadloon: Evolve Sewaddle

Leavanny: Evolve Swadloon

Venipede: Jasper Ward

Whirlipede: Evolve Venipede

Scolipede: Evolve Whirlipede

Cottonee: North Obsidia Ward Event (Windy day)

Whimsicott: Evolve Cottonee

Petilil: Obsidia Park during a Sunny Day

Lilligant: Evolve Petilil

Basculin: Tanzan Cove (Good Rod)

Sandile: Tanzan Mountain

Krokorok: Evolve Sandile

Krookodile: Evolve Krokorok

Darumaka: N/A

Darmanitan: N/A

Maractus: N/A

Dwebble: Apophyll Beach (Rock Smash)

Crustle: Evolve Dwebble

Scraggy: Obsidia Slums Event. Return to the slums after defeating the first Tangrowth. It will be behind a once-closed door

Scrafty: Evolve Scraggy

Siglyph: N/A

Yamask: Abandoned Powerplant

Confa*grigus: Evolve Yamask

Tirtouga: N/A

Carracosta: N/A

Archen: N/A

Archeops: N/A

Trubbish: Opal Ward (Grass), Peridot Ward (Alleyways), Byxbysion Wasteland (Grass)

Garbodor: Evolve Trubbish

Zorua: Hide and Seek in Alleyways

Zoroark: Evolve Zorua

Minccino: Chrysolia Forest

Cinccino: Evolve Minccino

Gothita: N/A

Gothorita: N/A

Gothielle: N/A

Solosis: N/A

Duosion: N/A

Reuniclus: N/A

Ducklett: Tanzan Cove (Grass)

Swanna: Tanzan Cove (Grass), Evolve Ducklett

Vanillite: Ice Cream Machine in Spinel Town

Vanillish: Evolve Vanillite

Vanilluxe: Evolve Vanillish

Deerling: Chrysolia Forest (Grass)

Sawsbuck: Evolve Deerling

Emolga: Jasper Ward Event, one is sleeping in the street on a windy day

Karrablast: Tanzan Cove, Chrysolia Forest

Escavelier: Trade Shelmet for Karrablast in Spinel Town

Shelmet: Azurine Island

Accelgor: Trade Karrablast for Shelmet in Spinel Town

Foongus: Azurine Island

Amoongus: Azurine Island

Frillish: N/A

Jellicent: N/A

Alomomola: N/A

Joltik: N/A

Glavantula: N/A

Ferroseed: N/A

Ferrothorn: N/A

Klink: Underground Railnet

Klang: Underground Railnet

Klinklang: Evolve Klang

Tynamo: Cave in Chrysolia Forest (Good Rod)

Eelektrik: Evolve Tynamo

Eelektross: Evolve Eelektrik

Elgyem: N/A

Beheeyem: N/A

Litwick: N/A

Lampent: N/A

Chandelure: N/A

Axew: N/A

Fraxure: N/A

Haxorus: N/A

Cubchoo: N/A

Beartic: N/A

Cryogonal: Trade for Pidgeot in Chrysolia Forest House

Stunfisk: Apophyll Cave

Mienfoo: N/A

Mienshao: N/A

Druddigon: N/A

Golett: N/A

Golurk: N/A

Pawniard: N/A

Bisharp: N/A

Bouffalant: Route 1

Rufflet: N/A

Braviary: N/A

Vullaby: N/A

Mandibuzz: N/A

Heatmor: Pyrous Mountain Event

Durant: Tanzan Cave

Deino: N/A

Zweilous: N/A

Hydreigon: N/A

Larvesta: N/A

Volcarona: N/A

Cobalion: N/A

Terrakion: N/A

Virizion: N/A

Tornadus: N/A

Thundurus: N/A

Reshiram: N/A

Zekrom: N/A

Landorus: N/A

Kyurem: N/A

Keldeo: N/A

Meloetta: N/A

Genesect: N/A

That's all five current gens, I'm sill missing some, so let me know if you know the ones I've missed!

Pokemon Location Guide (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.