Terraria, But I Update After Every Boss - YTread (2024)

Terraria is an old game, so old that it came out in 2011, that is 12 years ago, so today I thought why not visit the first version of Terraria and take a journey from version 1.0 to version 1.4.4, the latest


from now on of the game. It's almost over and Terraria has been on quite a journey, so the idea of ​​this video is that



I defeat I'll have to


my game from version 1.0. Now I'm not going to do all the updates, obviously, I mainly tried that. To get the biggest and most important updates with some small updates, we will go from 1.0 and defeat the Eye of Cthulhu to 1.4.4 where we defeat the Moon Lord, but before we start, guys, just ten percent. of you are subscribed 90 are not subscribed but we're trying to get to 50,000 by the end of the year so please subscribe if you haven't already it would mean a lot let's get straight to the video so we're starting with 1.0 now.

I never actually played 1.0. I started Terraria in 1.1, so this is pretty new to me. Now you can see that the game is pretty basic, it feels much more like a completely new indie game. You can see that the lighting is very different, much more blocky. the clouds are drawn, the sun looks very different, but yes, I started by cutting down some trees, you can see the terrain is different and I also have to jump each block. I don't go up a block, there's no help, so I make a crafting bench a wooden sword and a bow because you don't start with a copper short sword in this update, something I had to get used to pretty quickly for a while, in You couldn't actually use items in your inventory that you couldn't use. an item unless it was on your hot bar, which was a little crazy.

More Interesting Facts About,

terraria but i update after every boss...

There are just a lot of things that have been added to the game over time that are very useful and very good, but you only miss them when they're gone. water bottom instead of floating on top there are random pillars of sand the world generation is very different and obviously I will use the same world throughout the game so I started exploring the first cave I saw you break platforms with hammers you laid wood with axes why would you break wood with an ax but break a platform with a hammer? This game is incredibly different now, was this a challenge?

I mean, the game used to be a bit difficult even though this is just the normal mode. Normal mode. was all there was and the game actually wasn't too easy, obviously the enemy sprites and the sprites of anything look different, like this skeleton looks silly. You can hold torches underwater for some reason, you couldn't heal with a quick upgrade button, there were no real keybinds. so you had to have a healing pot in your hot bath, wait why was it blue? There were no potions other than healing potions and mana potions and you also didn't regenerate health naturally.

You need to find a life regeneration band to regenerate it. The time came today. I start to build a house that I can't build on the garage. I made an oven and you can see the old Sprite. It looks so different. Obviously there was no block exchange, no self-opening doors, no smart cursor, no smart tool. and I got some iron ore on the surface, you can see what I'm talking about. The sand columns. The world generation was just super weird. I went down to another cave. I found a life crystal. Then I found a chest and some water and it had a magic mirror in it, yes that's right there were no gold chests in this update or at least not naturally and then I made some armor and some better weapons.

Then I decided to explore the west of the world, there is a desert biome, but I don't think Cactus existed. at this point in the game and there were no special enemies there and I finally got to the beach but the beach had no chests and to the east of the world is the corruption very close to home so I'm going to the corruption to bomb Eben Stone and crush a shadow orb, but it turns out that 1.0 if you go to corruption you get bombarded with enemies, they keep coming and I soon realize that you can't bomb Evan Stone in this update.

Don't bomb, the only way to get shadow orbs is purification dust. I can't reach the orbs without purification powder and they can't summon the Slime King because he didn't exist yet. I finally got over the corruption and was able to the dungeon is now fine technically I could fight Skeletron before the Eye of Cthulhu but I'm not going to do that. Got to the ocean found a breathing reading and found a fin now something I noticed is that you can just stack the accessories to have two shackles on. I don't know if it really worked. There's no indicator of how much defense I have, so I don't know, but I assumed so.

Now that the merchant is moving. I can buy. potions, arrows and torches. I go down to another cave, I find a life crystal and some emerald gems. I'm pretty sure they have no use, they're completely useless except for selling, but I find another life crystal, you may have wondered. where was the jungle actually i didn't find a jungle on the surface but i found an underground jungle while exploring this cave that means there is a jungle but there is just no jungle on the surface. I don't know if that's normal. to liberate Terraria, but I ran into some jungle enemies anyway.

Turns out the Hornets didn't usually shoot Stingers, they just charged at you. I found a Jungle Shrine that does have a wooden chest and got a resprouting staff, which was a little lame. I actually didn't realize it deals 20 damage. Then I decide there are too many hornets and a man-eater, so I go home and make a golden sword and a golden bow. I find a shiny mushroom biome and yeah, it's a little lame. but yeah I'm basically just looking for more Life Crystals and hopefully some Hermes boots, now you may have noticed that the chests have a much smaller storage and the platforms only give you one platform per wood so I created a small platform for the Eye of Cthulhu.

I don't have a grappling hook or anything, this is very basic, but let's do it with a little supervision from the Ray developers. At least minor healing potions heal for 100 health. I made some normal healing potions that heal for 200 health. There are also sick potions, but it's much shorter than a minute, it's legitimately 10 to 15 seconds and you can heal for a hundred and two hundred, so yeah, there's no regeneration, but sh*t, you can kill weed super fast and it's the double, so yeah, I kept shooting the Eye of Cthulhu until it got to the second phase, then it started attacking me, it tended to cut me up a little bit, but for most of the fight I was able to maneuver around them and the Eye of Cthulhu hit me. fall, let's go well, first I was down. guys and dropped some unholy Demonite Ore arrows and corrupted seeds, welcome to 1.0.4.

Now the next


we intend to fight is King Slime, since that is the boss that was added in this update. Now obviously I skipped 1.0.1 1.0. 2 1.0.3 went straight to 1.0.4 because those updates were pretty insignificant, they didn't really add anything now with Demonite Ore. I make a demonic bow. I'm going to go and try to defeat the king's slime with what Now you may also have noticed that 1.0 Terraria has a bad aspect ratio, it's like you're playing on an old school TV, that's how it was, it wasn't 1080p, you couldn't actually change your resolution or anything until one. of the updates between 1.0 and 1.0.4, so to fight King Slime you cannot create a slime crown.

It didn't exist until 1.1. The only way to make King Slime appear in this update is to go to the outer edge of the world. small patch of grass before the beach and just wait. I did that for a while and he just wasn't spawning so once it got dark I decided I was going to head to the dungeon on the east side of the world and collect a water candle, this will increase the chance of kings spawning killed, but King Slime just wasn't appearing for me. I didn't know what I was doing wrong, so I decided that instead of King Slime I would try to fight the Devourer.

Instead, we will fight the King Slime, so I made a small Arena on the surface of the corruption and with the purification powder. I went down to the shadow orbs. I obtained a Fel Thorn that could be very useful. I tried. a magic mirror from my inventory and that clearly doesn't work. I make some mana stars with the fallen stars I got. By the way, they cost 10 fallen stars. 10 absolutely crazy. The number of Soul Eaters I found was completely crazy. I couldn't even spawn the damn boss without getting absolutely bombarded by these enemies, but I eventually got down and spawned into the Devourer of Worlds.

I had a small platform that I expanded so I could reach the surface and started using it. my vile Thorn and my bow in Eater of Worlds now you couldn't make Jester arrows or anything in this update so I couldn't make just the arrows, there wasn't much in Pierce except the Thorn valve I knew about now. After minutes of fighting the World Eater by constantly attacking his body with Val Thorne with all my weapons, none of his segments were breaking. I didn't know what was happening, I finally got stuck in a small corner and any of the odds defeated me.

Yeah, now I'm back home with a defeat with an L hang that L over my head, it feels bad, man it feels bad, but wait, what is that? He's back for more, that's right, Eden followed me home, he's out of corruption and he. He wants a rematch, why didn't he disappear? I don't know, but now we're fighting him from home, apparently the bosses just don't disappear or something, I don't know, maybe it's just a prize thing, but yeah, I'll say it. Take it, most of the World Eater's body is pretty low at this point, he took a lot of Chip's body parts from him.

Then I died again but it doesn't matter because it didn't disappear and I finally take out


part of the Eater of Worlds and he falls before me and for some reason he just drops a male shadow scale straight up on me so thanks for the welcome to 1.1 . Now the problem I had was that when I updated to 1.1 my character was not working in my world I don't know what was happening I don't know what was wrong but I had to create a new character. I created a new world so I could put that character's items in a chest so I could take my new character and I was able to take those items rest in peace player so now Terraria supports full screen so I went into full screen and apparently my recording software didn't know what to record, so I lost some images.

I fought and defeated the Slime King, but there is no footage, there is audio, so here is the audio of me defeating the slime king, but here is the footage from 1.0. You can see the lighting has changed a lot, it looks a lot better, it's not a blocky mess, the game actually looks like Terraria. Now like you could take a random screenshot you wouldn't think much about it you think it's just normal Terraria but anyway I went to the outer edge of the map to fight King Slime again this time in front of the camera because I realized realized that this was the case.

For the record, I created a small platform for King Slime, it wasn't difficult at all considering King Slime didn't teleport at this stage, now King Slime only drops ninja armor at this stage, so apparently I'm just a big stupid. silly because I didn't record the beginning of 1.1.1 Journey, but an army of goblins came and they defeated the army of goblins. I also have more Demonite armor, a nightmare, pickaxe lights, Bane's demon bow and while I'm working on my In the elevator I find the bound Goblin from whom I can buy some rocket boots and a tinker's bench, but I still don't have boots Hermes, so I can't make Specter boots, as you can see the light pet shadow is yellow and has a It has a timer and it also costs you Mana.

I think in 1.1 they made it so that the magic mirror also uses Mana. I then continued venturing deeper into the caves. I found I could make some rocks on a tinker's bench for six stone. I thought this was like an old upgrade and they were super cheap. No, you can make them with that much stone on a heavy workbench, you just can't make them on a tinker's bench anymore. Finally we go down to the underworld yes it just has a normal background, it doesn't even have the sick background that the underworld has now. I remember when they first added that new background and it looked so sick, but yeah, like you can see all the houses that aren't.

Obsidian houses are hellstone brick houses, so I'm going to grab a hellforge. I start by trying to break it with a pickaxe and that's obviously not how it breaks, so I take out my hammer and start hitting it and that doesn't work. It doesn't work either, why doesn't it work? Apparently you can only break hellstone forges with a meteorite hair. Max, you can't even break it with a demonite hammer, but you can still break the hellstone with a nightmare pickaxe. Now I'm getting angryfor a game that has fixed these flaws these flaws that no longer exist because they were obviously an oversight in the design, it's fun to look back on it and see how much this game has changed, how much it has improved and listened to its community and just gotten better overall, Now you may have noticed that I can use things from my inventory now it's a 1.1 feature, it's very good now in the Underworld there are chests, but they are not Shadow chests, they are just normal chests, so I am able to find a regeneration raid, this it was probably changing 1.1, there was probably shadow chess and 1.1, but the world is still 1.0 so the chests are still the same, so yeah the underworld doesn't really have much special loot except the hell stone in first. version of Terraria, but after looting a bunch of chests I find some Hermes boots and I can make some Specter boots now I'm pretty sure I'll be able to defeat Skeletron I summon Skeletron at night.

I don't have a full Demonite set but I'm close. I try to use these rocks as a weapon against Skeletron but I'm kind of bad and it didn't really happen that way. job and I didn't actually do as much damage, it didn't do as much damage as I thought, so I ended up switching mainly to the Harpoon and the demonic bow. Harpoon mainly when he spins his fat skull and the demonic bow when eventually it's not after, maybe not my best display uh, I defeated Skeletron, it wasn't that hard, I prepared it. I bought a manipulative goblin grappling hook.

If you have it in your inventory you can use the linked button of e actually use it so now we are already at 1.2 obviously I skipped the queen bee because I can't fight the queen bee in this world there are no hives there is no way to get honey no There is a way to fight the queen bee in everything, but now my player character is working again for some reason, but I'm already so into this, man, now you can see that chess has improved in size 1.2. Poggers upgrade only the older boys and girls. What a big update Moto was, it's actually that big. of an update and now that I have defeated Skeletron I can go down to the dungeon.

There is no locked chest, they are just normal wooden chests with dungeon loot, except this one has an angel statue. Crazy dungeon loot for one of the chests I opened had a gun and then a blue moon so there were dungeon items but it turns out they are also normal dungeon items for some reason that was funny because the enemies dropped golden keys, but they had absolutely no use, so Since it was a small world, I finally looted the entire dungeon and only found one thing of good use which is the gun, so now I decided that I was going to fight the Wall of Flesh, Now he wanted to fight him with the rocks he had.

I wanted to make the rocks work I was placing them and they weren't really rolling, they weren't really doing anything. I hit a rock and ended up dying before this slow Wall of Moving Flesh, the most pathetic being in the world. In fact, I fell and died. I didn't die for the wall. I realized that the bald man was going the wrong way because of the direction he was facing, so I decided to fight the Wall of Flesh again with my new knowledge. I think he was right because I ended up rolling a rock towards myself again like a complete buffoon and that's why I died on the wall of flesh once again.

I'm actually such an idiot if I just fought the wall like a normal human being. I would have beaten it by now, but I ended up getting some obsidian by making an obsidian skin potion and mining a hellstone that mines abnormally slow in this update and then I was able to make a molten pickaxe and a Phoenix Blaster. Then I went to the dungeon to farm some bones that I needed to get because I decided I was going to make some real armor and I need some really good armor for this boss fight so I crafted some necro armor, one of the skeletons dropped a ancient necro helmet.

I decided to fight the Wall of Flesh and actually beat him this time, so I threw the boy's video doll into the water in the lava and yes, I just threw Spam The Phoenix Blaster at the Wall of Flesh's eyes in his mouth. the meat wall, so now We're on 1.2.1 1.2.1 was the Halloween update, added Pumpkin Moon. I can't fight it now, so I went to the corruption and destroyed some Demon Alters. The good thing is that Demon Alters existed in 1.0. Cobalt or calcium and adamantite, so I mined some cobalt, so I could cook with a pickaxe and then I went down and made some aura calcium.

Now my entire mine was corrupted as if corruption completely dominated my world. It was actually crazy, I mean I was able to get Night Souls pretty easily I mined a lot of Aura Calcum and made a full set of Oracalcum a pickaxe and a repeater the sacred is in the west of the world I went down to the sacred I picked up some Souls of light and some crystals and a pixie dust I was getting a lot of pixie dust for a reason I wanted some wings and pixie wings are pretty good to get at the beginning of the game, they are better than demon and angel wings so sorry, I ascended to the heavens and fought the wyvern now.

I had only dropped five Souls of Flight, so I need to find them at least three more times. My repeater with unholy arrows pierces the wyvern, making for a pretty easy kill. Then I went down to the underworld and fought the Wall of Flesh once again. when trying to get a sword emblem I didn't even drop one, but the second time I got a range anthem which is perfect because I'm a ranger. Then I farmed some light souls, killed a skeleton archer, and dropped a marrow. It wasn't improved in this update like a while after this update, so it's not really surprising, but I mean it's a rare drop and it's cool.

I decided to summon the destroyer first because I have some armor piercing stuff and you already know what this fight really caused. It caused me quite a few problems. I got down to less than 100 health at some point towards the end of the fight. I can't lie, it's mainly because I don't have a script. I'm so used to using a script like Dashes are central to my game, so I quickly updated to 1.2.1 and almost consecutively summoned the twins. The twins are usually pretty easy, so yes, as usual, I solo spasm kill him first, as I want him to be retinaser.

Lost, there are retinas, it's a little more difficult, so after Spaz falls towards me. Now I'm aiming for red. I enter directly into the second phase, but there is no problem. I can fly up and he can't hit me. Oh, where is your brother? Where is your brother? to help you out oh it's gone so I already sold my view installs now we're on 1.2.3 which added the Traveling Merchant and The Stylist it's not a big update but now it was an update if you see that with other editions as The error corrects all that. I made a holy repeater and summoned Skeletron Prime.

Now this boss has a lot of health, but he's not that bad. He left me relatively low, like below half my health, but I was able to keep my distance. hitting him with arrows but yeah the Prime Falls skeleton for me and that's all the boss mechanics down now we're on 1.2.4 now 1.2.4 added Duke Fishron also added fishing carts and mines I mean fishing is a quite big thing. to add An update I remember when 1.2.4 was like the last update. I remember playing 1.2.4. I remember being excited for 1.3, so I decided to fight Duke Fishron instead of playing Terror.

Give me a challenge. Added Duke Fishron. this update, so why don't we shoot them before Plantera posts the neck, but before the Terror plane? So I went down to a glowing mushroom shaped bomb that is bigger than the original one I found and found a Truffle Worm pretty quickly to prepare for the Duke Fishron Brawl I went down to the underworld and fought the Wall of Flesh again to make an emblem of Avenger to stack with my Ranger emblem. Then I realized that in 1.2 the emblems need to be combined across all three classes like Summoner did.

It didn't exist, so it was necessary to combine the Ranger and Warrior sorcerer to make an Avenger emblem. I didn't remember this from 1.2 and then randomly a solar eclipse happened that hit a random Frank Stein dropped a broken hero sword which they used to drop it, apparently Mothron just didn't do it. It doesn't exist and then I made True Excalibur which is better than my beam sword I found. Then I went to the beach and reeled my fishing rod in with the truffle worm and he didn't spawn. My fishing line broke, I think so. I just broke apparently 1.2.4 there was a bug where Duke Fishron just wouldn't show up so I updated my game to where that was patched.

I got another truffle worm. Then I went to the beach and fought Duke Fishron. Now this fight didn't go very well. Duke Fishron's fish sharks slapped me, the tornadoes of him and himself. My movement is not so good without a script, it's actually quite difficult, so this time I made a little house for the nurse, like someone does. Fish runs again. I go to heal the nurse and the nurse just isn't there. He just left. He did not die. He just left. Duke Fishron kills me and I find the nurse relaxing at home. Why did he move home?

I chose her. be in that space of the Civic House and she just said no, I'm leaving while looking for a truffle worm, the moving mushroom bomb is inside the corruption, so I killed a skeleton archer and threw a key mold of corruption, yes, there. They used to be key molds, not keys, basically you have to combine a temple key and some souls with the key mold to open the corresponding chest, but if you haven't realized yet, this world only has wooden chests in the dungeon, He doesn't even have them. I have a corruption chest, so for a while I was super excited.

I thought, hell yeah, I can get super sick from the scourge of the corrupter. No, I can't, it doesn't exist. I could create a new world and do it, but that's boring. I started making a nice little area for Plantera. I thought maybe I'd fight Plantera instead of Duke Fishron since I can't even beat the Fishron guy, but then I decided to stop being a baby and went to find another truffle worm and summoned Duke. Fishron once again but sometimes being a baby saves you from death because he ruined a shark race for me which dealt 109 damage but I was determined to defeat him this time so I started fishing for certain potions as resistance so I could actually defeat him. to this boss.

I summoned the slime king because I really wanted a slimy chair to help with vertical movement to summon this Slime King. I needed 30 gold bars, a ruby, and 99 slime, but I got the slimy chair. I tried it and it worked. it didn't improve my vertical movement uh it was kind of rubbish to be honest it was kind of rubbish. I guess it was buffed in 1.3 so I summoned Duke Fishron hoping One Last Time Palm would do it with my Chlorophyte Shop Bow and this time I decided I would just run from left to right I would keep running I would go find a nurse to to cure me but the nurse dies tragically so now I'm in deep chaos I don't have heels I just have to move I have to move fast I keep my distance from Duke Fishron and hope he doesn't kill me but I finally defeat Duke Fishron and get a Flareon and a pirate map.

I don't know how weird it is for Duke Fishron to drop a fire map. I don't know if he has increased all the ones that fall. I've never seen that happen before, that might be super weird, but yeah, the Flareon, which is a pretty good melee weapon, so now we're at 1.3. 1.3 is such a big update added. the lunar events, which is the celestial pillars and the Moon Lord, which had martian madness, granite caves, marble caves, underground desert, expert mode, achievements, yo-yos, just a great update, it was so sick, oh sh*t, then i accidentally spawned in the pirate invasion.

I just clicked wrong on this. it's basically the same thing, there's still The Flying Dutchman, there's still the captain, there's everything I say, they're still, I mean, technically, this is the pass, so there was, but yeah, the only difference is that the captain does not appear in the ghost. After the Pirates were defeated, I began my adventures in the jungle. I started mining a lot of chlorophyte and I was looking for turtles because I wanted turtle shells. I wanted to switch to melee from range since I also lit the flare. I don't want to make sure that my armor, my glowing mushroom biomes are abysmal.

Getting those things will be atrocious. Are you kidding? shells with which I make the total armor and then I fight the flesh of the world once again and I get the warrior emblem immediately with which I can replace my Ranger emblem and now I am ready to fight Plantera. This fight shouldn't be too difficult. I have almost an endgame armor with a Turtle armor and a Flareon which is stronger than the weapons I'm supposed to have at this stage and yes, it kills Plantera pretty easily and pretty quickly, drops a grenade launcher, a pygmy cane,our first summon weapon, so now We are at 1.3.3 and we have to fight the Golem next.

You might be wondering how I'm going to fight the Golem. No Temple 1.0 had no lizard temples and that's where you are. Well, you're right, you're right. Visor, that's completely correct, the temple didn't exist now, what I could do is create a new world and fight the Golem in that world and just fight everything once again with the new world and everything, but that's really embarrassing . I want to do it. I finished this world with the same word I started in 1.0, but unfortunately there is no way to fight the Golem legitimately, so I had to cheat a Lizard Altar and some Lizard Power Cells to be able to fight the Golem synthetically, but it's not really cheating, it's just like putting something into the world that should have been there in the first place.

You know, I put the lizard altar in the middle of my Plantera Arena, it's basically the same size as the little Lizard Temple Arena and yes, as usual, the Golem is literally. no problem, i didn't even have to properly buff 1.3.3 i added the underground desert update sand storms and sand elementals now obviously this doesn't matter the desert, the so called desert in 1.0 was just some sand and there is nothing underneath , it is like this, a small piece of sand there is nothing for an underground desert to exist, but now we are in 1.3.4. Now I have a new cursor that looks sick. 1.3.4 added the new Dungeon Defenders 2 tower defense event.

Basically the army of strangers, so I went back to fight the Golem and found the tavern staying quiet in the arena for the Golem again trying to get shells of Beetle for a Beetle armor and bought some things for the Oban Army event and then made a platform for the old ones. Army and in Wave 2 I got completely stoned, so it didn't go so well. A solar eclipse happened and now Mothron is here. I watched this solar.eclipse to the end and the only thing they dropped was the moth, it dropped a broken hero sword and that's it.

I didn't get any other drops except the circle of death, I know and a butcher's chainsaw, that's all, it's pathetic, then I summoned the strangers. ones again now I want to fight Betsy I want to beat Betsy as one of the bosses for an update now Betsy is technically not a boss but she is also a boss depends on what you believe I'm not doing so well against the strangers Army I'm not alright, so I decided to fight the lunatic cultist and hopefully get a final weapon that I can use against the Ancient's Army and fight Betsy, then I challenge Luna to the cultist in the dungeon.

I'm using the Flareon and he was no problem, I just had to hit the right one and then escape my distance from him and it was absolutely fine, he finally falls and the heavenly pillars are now here, but that means come on, come on, now we're in Raria 1.4 1.4 added Journey Mode Master Mode bestiary golf pylons graveyard Oasis Slime Queen and Empress of Light a great addition absolutely one of my favorite updates to the game's story and now we're basically stuck, I mean, despite some of the 1.4.4 editions that were added. I really love it, we're basically on regular updates now, but I decided to fight the solar pillar first.

I don't know how anyone thinks a solar pillar is easy, it's not easy, it's atrocious. I hate this pillow so much, I eventually beat it. and I make it dawn and that's all I can do. Now I fight the Ancient Army again and only get the second wave. It's not going very well, so I decided to do a little trick of an impossible wall for the strange army. I can't actually pass through it, it's a small platform that they push them from and now with that trick I get to wave seven, but I just don't get very far in wave 7.

Then I keep trying to fight to get the medals . I need to improve my strategies to get a Sentinel and everything I need to beat Betsy, but I put the platforms a little further back and suddenly things were looking very good. I made it to wave 7 with my crystal practically intact and Betsy. Now it spawns, now I have a chance to fight it and beat it now with Daybreak. I just hit her. I hit everything constantly shooting any of the flying enemies that come and Betsy and eventually Betsy falls towards me and that means that the Old Man's army is defeated and that is another failure and now I understand Betsy's anger, this means that we are now in 1.4.1 1.4.1 added travel and vanity contests sets NPC Princess Flink's staff and Flink's fur coat and balance changes so now I went to the Stardust pillar and destroyed it pretty easily, it wasn't really a big deal and the nebula pillar, does anyone want to know about my experience with the pillars?

No, they were pretty easy. That's all I have to say. A little strange nebula. but it was okay since 1.4.1 adds the vanity contest sets. I made the foil protector vanity set and put it on and used it with dignity and now a certain boss has been added that I want to fight the Empress of Light, the Empress of Light is quite fun, quite epic, one of my favorite bosses that have ever been added to the game and yeah I just want to see if we can beat her, see if we can beat the challenge of the empress of light since she is one of the most popular bosses. the game, if not the hardest, Moon Lord and her are quite difficult, you just dodge her attacks.

I'm a little short, but she's pretty short too. Things look pretty scary, but I beat her and die, so we'll call it a draw. but then I went and got my loot which was a Starlight but now we are on 1.4.3 which was the Don't Starve Together cross update so it added Deer Club so I thought why not fight Deer Clubs, since it is that update that added. deer clubs, you know, we could be fun too, then I realized, wait, my world doesn't have a snow biome. Snow biomes didn't exist in 1.0, they were added in 1.2, so I was really looking forward to it.

He really wanted to fight. The deer clops in this update, so I created a new world and went to the snow biome. I waited for a snowstorm and for it to be midnight. For some reason he didn't show up at midnight like he was supposed to, so I went down. some supple skin I did a deer thing at the deer clubs called it was pretty tough a pretty tough fight I can't lie, we just ended up defeating him with our legendary puts Hammer, alright now, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, gamblers and losers , we are now on this is the most recent update.

Now I have all my characters back, all my worlds back, and an additional world called games, which is an original 1.0 world. It's crazy that you ported a 1.0 world to, the latest update. so now there is only one thing left to do, Moon Lord, so I went to the vortex pillar, and actually I had a lot of trouble where they can't lie. This is the biggest problem I've had with the vortex pillar. Don't know. I know why it hurt me so much. He had the Beetle armor. I had everything. I don't know. I don't know what was happening.

I have my texture packs back now because I'm back in my normal game. Check. I went to the jungle and started collecting some live fruits to make sure I was ready for the moon, Lord, but yes, I think the lack of Dash was my main problem with the vortex pillar, so I passed the vortex pillar towards deep into the dungeon and I spent some time here looking for a certain item which was the Tabby Dash. I found a black belt that's good, but I'm not going to use it. I finally want the Tabby. Now I'll get the Tabby.

Now I'm not going to make ninja master equipment because there was no such thing as climbing claws or shoe spikes in 1.0 anywhere in the chest, now I could attack them with boxes, but I'm not going to waste time on that, now I fly to the sky just for fun and I find a sky island this is a Sky Island 1.0 look at it it has wooden chests it has these like silver bricks it looks very different and there is also the meteorite that landed it landed on the sky island so I finally defeated the vortex pillar and now it is imminent.

Doom is approaching and Mr. Moon Soul Moon Lord man so good Moon Soul Moon Man soul Moon Lord Soul good Lord what spawns now this is a normal Moon Lord mode so it shouldn't be too difficult. The laser eye of death comes out and explodes at me. and it only does 84 damage, really pathetic, this is just pathetic, nothing, I just throw my rest of the day at the eyes until they break. to the left of the map to the right of the map whatever stay away from the true eye of cthulhu when they fire their projectiles and the moon lord now falls before me and we are the victors of Terraria but every time I defeat a boss I go up one update from 1.0 which is a long title.

I'll have to work on that, but thank you all so much for watching this, it was truly wonderful. I had a lot of fun going back to previous updates, it just shows me how much Terraria. it has evolved how much by digit and re-logic how much love they have shown in this game how much they have absolutely invested they have invested their lives in these games they have listened to literally everything we have said, they have taken everything into account and the game is now a beautiful masterpiece and it was just amazing to watch and go back and feel that nostalgia for old Terraria.

I'm not even blinded by nostalgia. I used to play 1.1 but the game is objectively better now, so I just want to thank the Terraria team if any of you are watching this. Thank you very much for dedicating so much time, effort and love to this game. All updates. I appreciate them. I appreciate it with all my heart and it was just. An incredible journey. I can't wait to see where Terraria goes from here and where that new game goes. Terraria two, let's go well, if you enjoyed the video, subscribe if you didn't like the video below and comment, and yes, try pressing. 50k I think we can do it.

I appreciate you all and see you next time. See you later abroad.

Terraria, But I Update After Every Boss - YTread (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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