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- Publication:
- The Salt Lake Heraldi
- Location:
- Salt Lake City, Utah
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- 7
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i I I If II I THE TI SALT LAKE HERALD WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 30 1903 I a YOUNG CORBETT IS BEST BESTLITTLE 1 LITTLE FIGHTER OF TODAY Continued from Page One Oneminute Oneminute I minute and forty seconds when Referee RefereeOraaejr eters eterslraiie7 Oraaejr stopped the fight Barton Bartonwhen fisnionwhen when seen in his dressing room was wasstill waa3t111 still in grtit distress mad refused to totalk totalk talk much He did eay however that thatVorbett thatorbett Vorbett can i eat at any of them Al Although I Ithough though defeated the San Franetsco Franetscoboy Fvandeoboy boy was not ii disgraced and was even evenmore evenflore more loudly cheered than the champion championwhen championwhen when he left tbe be ring The attendance attendanceat at the fight was wa enormous for a feath featherweight feathrwetght erweight fight The receipts wore be between beiween tween I64 160v and 200 Fifty per percent perent cent ent of the rtcelpts are divided between betweenth th fighter the wfnner taking 75 per perent perent ent of hut amount and the loser 5 5uer 5tiel uer cent ifi I addition Corbett was glv TOTJJfQ COSBETT COSBETTen en per cent of the gross receipts In Inview 1nview view of his drawing powere The Thefi Bht Bhtwlll ht htwtIt wlll po Into ring history as the fastest fastestand fastestand and fiercest ever seen here hereTina hereThe Tina right by SoundsRound Sounds aoundLfound Round 1 1Corbett Corbet tried several times t1m to tojwsetrate topptrte jwsetrate Hanlons guard with right and andleft antileft left swingH bjt fulled to get un unier ler Han HanIons kinpevulfsr Ions peculiar uefense Ktnaliy IM got gotin gotS in titht right to the th eze se si rirht rthtV to Utt Uttstomach stomach and two left lefts to the law Cor Corbett 4 bett kept pegging away rHenliwiy and andforced andforced forced fcdafc Ai to cover Corbett got i iHtraight itrIght Htraight Iffl ft to the body a they mlxnl mlxnlit it Hanlon was wa mtrntly on the cieftnsivv cieftnsivvJn cICeuiVtIra Jn a mixup Hanlon drove his right twict twictto to ti the body and followed it wish a right rightto to the Jaw Hanlon missed a left anrt anrtihen an anthen then sent a right to th face fe Corbett Corbettstood rbeu rbeuMood Mood up to him and jabbed bb41 with left and andright 0 right to the face t4dh then sent nt a ahard ahard hard left to the stomach As the round roundclosed roundtloeed closed both swun swung rights and fta for forthe forthe the face Orbett did most of the leading leadingpoking 1ea1nokIng poking straight lefts for the face and anrtright andright right uppeiruts UlP TfUtS but Hanlon did the ef effective fective work in the breakaways There Therewms Therwas 4 was no damage damageRound damageRound Round 2Hanlon Hanlon swung teft and right riKhtfor rightfor for the face but Corbett put in two twostraight iwoitraight straight lefts to the fare Iae Oorhett put putl putft ft to the fae and Hanl Hmlonmtaaedabtrd Hmlonmtaaedabtrdright missed a lHrd lHrdtight tight swing wng for th the bud Corbett bortxl bortxlin in pegging away a at Hanlons flz loflM face aCe with withlefts It ht lefts inuTnur several light blows ubett bett put in a tcrriffc tTff right under Han HanIons an aninns Ions heart which rattled and hurt Han Hanlon BatIon lon who fought back wildly w1Idl Han Hazion Hazionaecaed ion ionaccused accused Corbtt of Hanplnn on Hzton Hztoneung ji nswung swung right and left to the thejaw Jaw forcing forcingthe forCngthe the champion to the fops He then sent senta a straight rigrht to the face fac but Corh Corhett tt tttought 4 tought baclx 1cloMSly forcing the Valt Valtiornuin SaIl SaIllornian iornuin to a clinch Thii followed PUJIC PUJICIfsuJtory atijtet IfsuJtory SUtot sjarring Bunion ma ma1c 1c much muchijettor iuuchlwtter ijettor showing In this ronnd landing lawlinsseveral landingceveral several goo good left Th right that tar rIntt 4 Intt landed On Eddie ariy In the round roundfi roundftze4 fi ftze4 a ed Hanlcn but momentarily Corbctts Corbcttsstraight it itV straight lefts and upper uppertuts uts did not teem teemto tetn tetnto to vlo much muc damage damageCorbett tanaeCorbott Corbett CouU 3f tot ot Ismd IsmdRound LmjtdRound Round Jrorhett roTbett trtcd with left several severaltimes trat trattimeit times for the face but could net get in inHe inlie He straightened Hanlon with a right uy uyperrtrt tppelent perrtrt and th liy mixed it vidowsty OttLa OttLaandtrtg ai ailandtag landtag good fta to tht face Corbett Corbettsent orbatttapnt sent a strmght right to the lace 1a and andEd4r asdEd Ed4r Ed m0 began to a btoedl Uort 4rlctt 4rlcttiippeciit ett ettnppefcut nppefcut with right twice to the fa faCorbett oCnrbett Corbett SBl Itoed a vicious right upprrut upprrutfor Uppreutfoq for th the fa and a ir ncat later aCOt aCOtthree nl nlthree three rights to the fat ear and law lawj litwddle ddlc bond lit and Cortx Corhett tt seat fc right rightupacrcut rtghtuppercut uppercut tbe chin mij and a hard right rightswing tighttwing swing to itu itt car Infighting followed followedwithout taJ4aWO4without without recoiL Corbett planted ri rIht rIhtund ht htand and left on unions face as the tb cell t1l iiiig iiiigIt ztngit It was Cot Cornette hetf round roundRound rotnidRound Round 4 4 orbett caatc up funning md mdproceeded nal nalprocePtifti proceeded tit jab ab at ftmlons faCe They Theyfought 4 fought fier fiet ly in a mixup both ianllng ianllngInftfi itting ittingF Inftfi and rights tn the body Hanlon Hanlonplanted tianioniutiteI planted his tight to tho kidneys The Thehnmpiori Tbthampkor hnmpiori rppcared pft to be slowing wi wia tvna a bit He lit tnt nt in right quick Mb Mbflash tthfbtah flash to Iiulea lul face and followed It Itluickly Itiuikly luickly with a hard right to the sr srtnrbctt rCorbett Corbett stiit 1 itt light straight left i tat the ihpface theface face and 1trtectd rot rt himself clvrly from fruma a return Iorbett I rbett ducked a vicious iou right rijfhtswing rightewing swing and cave Eddie smart rai ra whit wjtiiright whitright right to tlv jaw Crrbett mlnse4i right rightHwtnic rightMwtng Hwtnic and Hanlun drve dr ye a hard ltrd ttt ft ttbe in inIhe tbe body InfighUnj followed i rbett rbettjtrotfctlnjc tt ttltrot jtrotfctlnjc ltrot cUii himself orbctt rusi FUiat i us usthe ti8ttiv the round closed but tailed to land landBoth a Both Mias Lefts LeftsRound Leftsktountl Round Both missed Iffts for the face faceand faceittid and Corb Corbtt tt ftwung right to th law lawHanlon uw uwIlanlon Hanlon niulat rtluhiattd with right upjvrcut upjvrcutto to the iiw Both swung haru with withrights withrights rights neithir lundinx lu a mlxup mixu rlx or or1a4tt lx 1a4tt tt upper out tat right the body b0d3 in the thebreakaway tifthreakawMy breakaway Hanlon landed hard right on onthe onthe the head Orbett Uu tb sent Ediiif E4d lalIK lalIKto iK iKto to the rt with a tlaan an right tli tlijaw tin tinjaw jaw remarking How i4o Ia ou i Tlk iidt iidtHanlon tttP Hanlon It rbody in a right uppercut ttt tn tnbody body Ci rtntt tt struck vrry vtr low mi miwarned intiwsrnel warned tho tb refore to he caref carefmissed lioth liothmied missed fveral straight lefts mam camt am to i clinch ii nih Ha ii li having vter I a bet beticr ter of it They hung on and as trounded IL gitflg gitflgoiindd rounded lioth landeU rights to torbett jiw jiworbett orbett i ii tiiarntly i Mr ntly ntljra was ta williu williua WililUt it ita a blow i order to toharm it one Su Suorbett uI uIharm harm wn W1i4 done ainfl to rcontinued gtriur iflii pace pacecontinued continued ry fast fastRourl fadRour4 Rourl a Corbett Corbetthead rbett I with left for hlked i ihicad head thricf thri a but wwrr we lked ked Both mb me mewere were dihig cnnniU cnnniUIon nb talking Hai Haimicjons Hsnion Ion stoi atO th thwith micjons chaltcprin chaltcprinrights chutterinwith with a IfaitlVfl sivn sivnth rights and leftg ft tn to tothe th the Jan and nd corn romithat Ln tu the teterf teterfiainjt referethat that tt I I was wasn iainjt Furious in inii infI5htitt fI5htitt IllOWtd It ii doing tUci iHK iHKruht hi hiter ter wot Hanlon HanlonCorbett 1 1 ruht ami ltft ltftIn ti tit In thin thintrt Corbett Corbettfighting flit ti ut tai taiback talk talktl trt tl Hat Haior fighting at i iI Ii tflO tflOUtttett or Utttett ett ned a 1 right for tlIr lit at ic ichard tint tintlanded landed ther hard right ewing awng en enjul the 4 back el elmixup I i head jul Hanion smitingmixup smiting smilingmixup mixup mixupCorbet I i wd but no damage rmulted rmultedCorbet rroultedCorbet Corbet Corbetit I xpjjarcntly air ttrcntIy anxious to mh mhit mizIt it at a rii hut when Hunlon wen wenafter wentafter after hln ill lth rhht and ift ft on Or Orh tr trhttit httit tts ana 11 Aftir fn tiK thu thuDenvvr I tDener Denvvr boy wilHi in i rntt flha tItO nor northan rrIbtiti than half way kianon tnon would let go ani anitin i itie tie xhiggiiiK would stop HtopGorbett stopCorbett Gorbett YnmrltoJ XflOe Bcwu BcwuRound Wli WliRatrt1 Round 7 Corb awbett tt ho het an talking at one uncand onek and at rc iir ii iit it left to the fr fare Corbet Corbetit countered with a bard tight swing to th thear tl tlear ear Both men gave remarkable fxhihs fxhihstiona sxhlbitioa tiona of blocking and protecting them themy tbe tbeOtpey Otpey once AMI cauUonaA cauUonaACOrbett eauUon eauUonrbett COrbett rbett for hitting low Corhett thair thairot tb tbam am ot tn a good right to the heed and tot followed tottowed lowed ft with two tefts to the th ear In a aaoix Smix mix Corbcsn swung right and leCt ft to the thehead thebead head and evaded Hanlon attempts to tocounter tocounter counter HaiU Mi put two shortarm 1 lefts leftsto IU IUto to the face and swinging hard with left leftseat leftt seat the champion ethmp on to tfa the floor He got gotup gotup up Infantry and fought back hard Han Hankm 1lanIrt km pending right and left to the head headHanlon beadHanlon Hanlon lashed out and caught Corbett Corbettclean Corbettcan clean on the point of the Jaw and floored flooredhim flooredfilm him Vhen the gong sounded both men menwere mentero were fighting furiously furiouslyRound furiouslyRoun4 Round SCorbett Corbett was more careful and andthe andthe the smite had gone from his face He Hemixed Hemired mixed it however wever and chopped a right rightto to the head and followed it with a left leftto leftto to the face Hanion followed him niraaround himaround around the ring sending straight left to totha tothe the face and a right to the jaw that thatstaggered thatstagred staggered Corbett rorbett swung wildly wildlyand Wildlyand and got another left on the jaw from fromHanlon fromHanlon Hanlon that hurt him Corbett gut in A Aleft aleft left swing on the jaw Hanlon backed backedOorBett backedCor OorBett Cor ett to the ropes and In a ficrr mix mixCorbett mIxCorbett Corbett put in several hard righthand righthandblows righthandblowa blows to the fare with force enough to toknock toknock knock out an ordinary fighter but Han Uanloh Hanloti loh only smiled Hanlon put In a ter terrific terrifle rifle left to the body at the close of the theround theround round roundWhen roundWhen When Corbett came up he commenced commencedswinging commenceditwinging swinging but was wild FinaPy Hanlon Hanlonbacked Hanlonhackt4 backed him against the ropes Corbett Corbettthen Corbettlien then landed with great force with right rightand rightand and left swings on Hanlotr Hanlotrthey Jaw hot hott they only made Hanlon fight back thaj thajHanlou the theharder harder Hanlou Takes Funiiun PUnlalaatsHt PUnlalaatsHtRound at atRound Round SAfter After some mixo uolrupa Corbett Corbettlanded coriettIaitdi landed a hard left swing to th the Callfor CaUforlas Callforniana las jaw He tried rurht and left leftswing leftawinge swing but both were blocked Another Anothervicious Anotbecviclouc vicious right for the Jaw was blocked blockedFinally blockedFinally Finally Corbett succeeded hi getting the theright therIght right to Hanlons chin and mid mUsaiu an another another other try Hanion blocked a hard right rightswing rightaa aa swing ing for the face and then ien got iside of ofright atright right and left swings for the body Eddie Eddieput Eddieput put a light left to the face and they went wentto wentto to a clinch Corbett got in a terrific right rightnppercut rightilppercut nppercut to the chin which only made madeHanlon madeHanlon Hanlon the more vicious The fighting ttghUugduring fightingduring during this round was not so fast except exceptat at the close when Corb Corbett tt landed Ma h1 ii ler leriiflc ri i rifle ioxrcut to the chin Hanlon has hasenormous hasenormous enormous capacity for taking punishment punishmentand and blows that doubttei would knock knockexit knocknut exit an ordnary man merely staggered staggeredI staggeredhint I him and made him fight all the harder harderRound harderRound Round 10 lflCorbett Corbett missed a fierce right rightupp rightuppercut upp uppercut rcnt for the jaw A moment later he hent hesouL souL nt a right tippercut to the chin and they theyhung theyhung hung to och other Both men be began begantalking Jtalking talking to om another and Hanlon waded wadedin wailedlit in with rights and lefts for the head but butwas hutwas was blocked in the breakaway both ex exchanged axchanged changed rights and lefts to the face Cor Corbett Or Orheft heft planted his left to the fac and dol doled tollowed lowed ed with a right uppercut to the theHanlon jaw jawRajiloit Hanlon sent Corbett beck with right righton high highon on the hd ad that did no damarre 1 1missed d1e d1emIssed missed a rieht swing for the head and andblocked andblocked blocked a right uppercut Tn a clinch clinchHanlon clinchHaition Hanlon pat in a left hard to the stomach stomachand stomachand and the gong rang Hbnors nots Are About 3van 3vanRound Br nRound Round 11 llHarlon Hanlon was short with left leftfor lefttor for the jaw Corbett then sent ent straight straightleft atraightlefl left to the stomach They clinched and andboth andboth both missed vicious rights for the jaw jawHanlon jawHanlon Hanlon caught Corbett with a rightswing right rightswing swing to the jaw and followed it with an another another other to the same place Hanlon got in intwo Intwo two straight left jabs to the face Han Hanlon HanIon lon now doing the leading Corbett sent sentright sentright right to the face and Eddie retaliated retaliatedwith retaliatedwith with a left hard Jftw Corbett wms wmsleaning Waaleaning leaning aralnst Hainn HanT coming eomi UD with withKuurt lth lthghrt Kuurt haft TrwrngsTmManlons jaw Han Hanlon lisaion lon then got in a right swiugtto 5Wifl to the Jaw JawCorbetfs jawCorbettg Corbetfs right went around Eddies head headand htadorbett orbett then ataggered Bunion with right rightand and left to the Jaw They The were leaning leaningshoulder leaningithoulder shoulder to shoulder both peppering pepperingway pepperingitway itway way at the face and stomach with Cor Corbett or orbett bett apparently having the advantage advantageThe dYatgeThe The blows that Cortwtt hai landed in inHwtlons nHanlons Hanlons jaw would have finished the thefight thefight fight long ago with any boxer of med mediocre madteere iocre quality qualityRound qualityRound Round 12 1They They rushed into a clinch clinchBoth clinchth Both th seemed fond of infighting Hanlon Hanlongot lianlongot got in a left uppercut and followed it with withright withright right and left to the fa face Corbett did not notH notIie Iie se his head and fought back viciously viciouslyHe He mtoavd terrific straight left for thebody the thebody body and two terrific left and right swings swingsalso swingslso also lso went wild Corbett then landed a ahard a ahard hard rlsht on the Jaw for which Eddie Eddierebuked Eddierebuked rebuked him with a hard right to the ear earand earand and a left to the face Corbett received a aterrific aterrific terrific risrbt uprcut rrcut on the stomachwhich stomach stomachwhich which made him took sick Ha stalled stalledhowever stalledhowever however and protected himself from fur further5 furthet ther5 harm Corfeett appeared a bH tired tiredat tiredat at then end with Hanlon doing all the theforcing theforcing forcing It was Hanlon round roundTae roundThe Tae Bad Is In Sight SightRound SightRound Round 13 11They They rushed into a mixup and andInthe anti1nthe Inthe breakaway Owbett rbett landed a right rightoverhand rightoverhatid overhand swing en the JAW He missed a aleft aleft left for th the jaw and they mixed it ear Corbett earheft heft putting left ana right to the jawCorbett jaw jawi i Corbett sent in a hard left to the jaw jawTliey jawlhey Tliey mix It both swinritic and landing landingwith landingwith with ripfht and left They stood shoulder shoulderto to shoulder fighting like demon both bothlanding bothlanding landing hard rights to the Jaw Corbett Corbettsent torbettsent sent left and right to the jaw and rightto right rightto to the tomacb I Hilon tlon looked Kfoggy Kfoggyi groggy groggytot i for the fim time and wobble a Wt Cor Corbett I or orbett bett kept after him and they Mill fought foughtshoulder foughtshouldir shoulder to it 8hoaM rHanl Battles twinning on onThis onThis This WSP wa decidedly Cortoetfs round Hstood estood stood with Mn ii head a aaIut alu Hanlons Haiulonsbreast Hanlonsbreast breast swinging left to the stomach and andright slidright right to the jaw Hanlon trie tried to fight fightback fightback back hut his Mows lacked force If Oor Oorbett Corbett bett could have rot cit htm to stand back backhe beckhe he would undoubtedly have knockedhim knockedhimout out outRound Round 14 4They They assumed the same nri tac tactics tacties tics Cor orbett bet putting right and left to the thestomach thestomach stomach Hanlon fought back hard and andlanded andlanded landed UFO terrific swings to th the jaw He Hethaa Hetb thaa tb sent Corbett back with right to the thejaw thejaw jaw tsKrhicg the champion Corbett Corbetthowever rbett rbetthowettr however fought back violently end land landed landad ed somv son telling blow on Hanlons body bodyCorbPtt bodyoabett CorbPtt Jient Hanlon to the floor with two twolefts twolefts lefts to the Jaw was wa down nine nec neconds eoconds onds They went to a mixup and 4orbett 4orbettplanted tarhettpleai planted right and left to the jaw Cor Corb tnrbait bait tt stood away pecKKiiifcr away HI Han HanIon linion Ion forcing him to If th ropes Th go gung gungapparently Kapparently apparently sated lItail i ilon ii from a knock ktiockI I I ont HAiilon stood too i stll ttil verinx his face faceaiwl tat tatala aiwl ala io 4 with his itt stlovea an tund rbMt rbMtpuiuiinn rbeItI I puiuiinn putu toe hln1 as hart as ho ha could lljii1 lljii1Ion 1 1t 1 1Ion Ion fiiseil to bf knockcwi ioc keil oit how rand vand and vilioi ti th ROH goilg rang vent to his cor corner vnor nor with a grin jrrinOrancy grinGraney Orancy Wanted Hanlon to Quit QuitRvun u1t u1tRuuiit Rvun 1 l4Orb 15 iort ct trinl sral vorul lefts to tothe tothe the fact at long rrg but was short Hmi He Hemiesad mi miesad a hard rigiii for the body and an another anothr other for tlte face Kdd then cn cent a astmigiit 3titmoigttt stmigiit left to the face Corb nrbett tt Jabbed Jabbedwith jabbedwith with lift to the face Hanlon being con contar conter tar rest Hanlon missed a hard leftswing left leftwaic swing for the Jaw and the champion put puta a straight right to the face Corhett wa wash waab sh rt with a hard right and fiddle blocked blockedaorn blocketiOrfl aorn Orfl liurd iefta ftd for tb body Corbett Corbetttheu Corbetithat that aught Hunlon wlthrteht anti antiii left leftto to ii th tomach and nd a right uopercu tn tnthe ttthc the oh Tht til uent Hanloiis he hack hackCorbett heckCorbett Corbett vnd nid in i etd nd landed rtrtt and andleft nri nrileft left hard to the jaw Oranty neked kcd Hun HunIons TutuInui Ions Inui secoBMta to take their charge out ui uithe uithe the rin ring but they refused Haidou lLad is istaking Iitaking taking a most terrific hearing with game gamen gamenec nec i reldom set He co cokdtl Ud Aot fight fighthack Lightback hack effectively and could hardly pro profeet 1 feet hlme himneif lf Hanlon Game to the Last LastTimind LasttTuttnt Timind t6 t6or1tt orl ctt missed a hard right t8il4trtat i tr ui for the lace but a moment later lateri iat iatmat i mat tr a Catiforttian to the floor with withright withI I right and left to th the Jaw Hanlon took tookthe tookthe the count to nine He then clung to Cor Corbftt or orbett bftt bett twc littler trying vainly to knock knockhim knockhim him out Corbett stilt In succeFiitin of ofI frights I rights ri icts to tho fire iorl i nrluett nrluettyt ett ettyi yi lo Hauluns ta 01 is tn I slui the thent theiu nt iu nhlch ti ref reiej ej to do Cor CorI 0r 0rI I bett than delivered an avalanche of blows blowsrn blowsen rn the California jaw sending him himback himback back against the rope The crowd yellrd yellrdi ailed ailedI i to the referee to stop the contest asHan asHanlon as Han HanIon lon was game to the core and refustd to tobe tohi be hi kno kckd kd out Orary rari then Interfered Interferedtud tud avrjirrlrl 1 th lMor tf to rtrh ut utftr tftr ftr ti itt ffht ft hI cTuihei went pt over tu tuKuitlun toHititluti Kuitlun rail kiwed WT Hanlon said saidI i I You cr Hck ek tiII ai aU aUf atLV1tcn Wh V1tcn Hnlnn went to hi corner corneri lc lcI i I wj vciebd with severe vvrG fit of vooiitiHnncn vooiiti irom1tlntianen Hnncn tHs eu th thrn rc reirried rrtpd from the rl rlvrn thu thuvr vrn rrk I it oi RINGSIDE DOPE DOPEON DOPEONGRET ON ONGRET GREAT FIGHT FIGHTrniQUncefnejits FIGHTnflQUncemats rniQUncefnejits fade 3IIe to Crowd CrowdBefore CrowdBefore Before Blttfe Commenced CommencedBOTH cosnmencdBOTH BOTH MEN MADE WEIGHT WEIGHTEBCISIOH 4 4DWISION EBCISIOH OF POINTS WOULD WOULDMechanics WOtYLDc0TAmCT c0TAmCT CXPIONtP 4 4MeclanIcs Mechanics Pavilion San Francisco FranciscoDec jDec Dec The Young CorbettHanlon contest con contest test ffer the worlds featherweight chaIn championship chaInpionshtp pionship at Mftcbanlcs pavilion tonight tonightproved tonightproved proved to be one of the greatest drawing drawtogcards drawingcards cards in the history of the fighting game gamein gameIn in this city The vast auditorium which whichhas whiehhas has been the scene of so mrny notab ntitatje ntitatjepugilistic te tepugilistic pugilistic battle was taxed to its capai capaicKy Cap Capcity city long nr before the bell clanged sum summoning summoning moning the principals to action The in interest intereet terest in the outcome wan intense De Despite Despite spite the feet that Hanlon in hfe h1 preivi preiviU0 prerisue sue U0 encounter with tb chamofon had hadsomewhat hadsonuewbat somewhat the better of the bout and the thewell theweU well known prepwwUy of the local sporting sport sPoatbig big fraternity to allow sentiment to towarp towarp warp their judgment to contests partici participated parWtlpated pated by local ctietortttes Corbett wasa was wasa a aronounced favorite in the betting bettingOeoniag bettingOpeniag Oeoniag up at atodd 4de eC to 8 a few days daysago daySago ago the odd gradually shortened owing owingto owingto to the weight of Corbett money and andwhen andwhen when the lad lads entered the navflton to tonight fOnight night 2 to 1 was offered with the Denver Denvercra Denverersek cra ersek on the long end At these figures figuresmany figuresmany many large wagers were made at the theringside therlgid ringside there seeming to be no lack of ofHanlon ofHanlon Hanlon money in sight One of the raft reasons raftson sons son advanced for the apparent uneven unevenneas unevenne neas ne of the betting bttln is the fact that most mostof mottof of the eastern turfmen and bookmaker bookmakerattending bookmakersattending attending the local races have pinned pinnedtheir pinnedtheir their faith on the superiority of the thecham thechamplon Cham Champion pion and ifravc BYc backed their opinions opinionsfreely otinionafreely freely freelyThe freelyThe The articles of arreemeat stipulated stipulatedthat tiputatedthat that they should weigh In at 129 pounds poundsat at 6 oclock or forfeit itO Corbett witS WHSthe witSthe the first to step tep on the scale and Jut Juttipped lusttipped tipped the beam at an even 129 pounds poundsHanion poundsHanlon Hanion evidently was under these figures figuresas as he failed ta move the scale scaleAbout scalesAbout About the ringside were gathered many manyeastern manyeastern eastern sporting men of nafnal nftt nal reputa reputation reputation tion Jack Munroe who met Champion ChampionJeffries CheinpiOltJetfries Jeffries some time aso at Butte Mont Montwas Montvts was among those present A large di digtfoa dale dalegadon gtfoa ef 1 Corbett wen arrived from Den Denver Denvet vet to witness tonlchfs contest The Theparty Theparty party wa was headed hy Otto lot Ioto the well wellknown wflknown known sporting writer Accompanying AccompanyingMm Mm were Kd Gaylord Robert Goodnew GoodnewJudge GoodnowJudge Judge Mullkui Julius Aichele county countyclerk countycierk clerk Denver a and Harry Dunn Qy Qylord Gftylord lord brought a bunch of money to bet on onCorhett onCorbett Corhett One of the faatur of the evening waa waath 5 5the th the resurrection of Australian Billy Mar Murphy Marphy phy th the former featherweight champfcan champfcanand and the man who fifteen years ago agocould agocould could beat anybody of his weIght He ap appeared appeated peared tonight to a sixround bout with withJack wthJack Jack Evans a local boxer For the first firsttwo firsttwo two or three rounds Murphy failed to toshow toshow show any of his uIs oldtime speed or cleverflees clever cleverness ness but In the last three rounds he be became became came rejuvenated and the way he floored flooredthe flooredthe the rcuna cim man ftpiKJStd to him showed showedthat showedthat that he still had a punch left and could couldland couhilland land ft effectively Evans was almost almostout almostout out when the th gong Bounded for the closeif close closeof of if the sixth round but the referee called calledthe celledthe the eoutest a draw greatly to the disgust disgustof gust gustof of th tie MX osawd which thought that thatMirrtmy thatMirrtijr Mirrtmy should have been awarded the thedeciaion thedecision decision While Murphy can tin make a ashowing ashowing showing against a young and inexperi inexperienced inexperlnee4 enced fighter ft hter it was obvious that against againsta a htgfcctace highc man he would stand no show showwhatever showwhatever whatever whateverI whateverJack I Jack Munroc of Butte Mont was In Introduced introduod troduced and the crowd yelled for a aspeech aspeech speech Jack made his exit quickly how however however ever everclad everBeree Beree Graney appeared in the ring ringiad clad his Tuxedo Cor Corbiaxer Corbstt looked much muchbIer bIer around the arms and shoulders but butHanlon butHaukin Hanlon was the taller of the two Both Bothmen Bothmen men looked to be in the best possible con condition conditlon dition ditionIt contest and andstraight andstraight It wa was a twentyround straight Marquis of QueeoSbury rules tl tlfighters the thefighters fighters to protect themselves in the thebreaxjuwa thebreaWa breaxjuwa and mreak by order of the thereferee theref referee refereeYoung ref rte rteYoung Young Corbett was fft ctrit to enter the theI thering I ring He wore bandages on his hands a atid atidwas dwas was looked after by Tim McQrath Harry HarryTuthHl HarrYruthul TuthHl and Billy OtIs Tho champion championwent championwent went to hl his corner Immediately and andawaited andawaited awaited th the arrival rrlval of his antagonistitonlon antagonist antagonistHanlon Hanlon entered the ring a moment later laterL4fce laterLike Like Corbetfs his bands were encased encasedchampions fleaitedIn In bandages Ho at once nt to the thechampions champions corner and they eHe shook hands handsHe He was seconded by Harry Foley Fred FredLanders FredLanders Landers Ted Wolf and Toby Irwin Han Hanlon HanIon lon was introduced By Announcer Jordon Jordona a as the Pride of California He received receivedmuch receivedmuch much applause The champion was an announced nnounced nounced as The Pride of Denver cham champion ehampion pion the world His reception was wasequal wasI I equal to that of Hanlon The customary customarychallenge customarychallenges challenge from eastern uuugilists rgiH were wereread wereread read among them being toting MowattSammy Mowatt MowattSammy Sammy Smith and tonic Ix Long ng Terry TerryMcOovem TerryMcGovern McOovem has sent a telegram agreejng agreejngto to meet Hanlon in the event of the Call Callfornlan Callforillan fornlan heta returned rettirna a winner winnerBefore winnerBefore Before the fight Eddie Crawy referee refereesaid referee1mM said 1 1t 1mM 1mMr wan to hit the public know that the thechampIonship 1 championship title wttl fti cut BO figure with withthe wIththe the dertsionr decision The nuwlMst who I thte thtehas think thinkbaa has bad the better of the battle and doesmoat does 1 1most most of the fighting will be given the thebon0ys bon0ys 300KS QKD THE JCONBY JCONBYI I Only One Favorite Cteme la at Los LosAngel LosI I Angel ngelos ngelosI ci i I Tx Los Angeles Cal Dec Only On1 one fa favociu fitI I vociu came home in front today and andi se seI i a result the eleven books quit with a gpcil gpcilbalance goo I 1 balance on the eight side The biggest biggestLetting biggestI I Letting race ot the day was the last on onthe onth the th card at esyen ey furlongs Best Man Manj was made favorite bul ut every norse tne tneJ raco was the medium of piunges unics by the theJic theiig Jic betters Fti Fustian tian was played heavily heavIlYI 1 floldttmUr and KM eM is was Rag Tag the Brittalr Smell betttrfl Muck tv it Brat Brattiln iat iattutin tiln and lu won by a head froja Hag HagTag IlagTag Tag aft aIIM leattin leading the way ws Best BestMan tMan Man was 6 beaten aen a heck for the irtRc Sir SirHugh rHugh Hugh the odfis oddseu wi favorite nn hn the first Hrecrace firstrace race croeeed himself and fell at the head headof baeiof of th the stretch Redfern Ms jockey jockeycaped es escaped caped uninjured Summary SummaryFirst SummaryFirst First race six and a half furlongs furlongsGa furlongsGalanthus 5a 5alanthus lanthus won Irms second Pilot third thirdTime thirdTimeI Time TimeI tdeconit Second race six furlongs solig sclllgEu sclllgEugenla Eu Eugenln genln won Durbar aecSnd eedtkl Metlakatla Metlakatlathird Metiabttiathird third Tlra TImelj5 TImelj5Third 115 115Third Third race mile shd a slxte sixteenti nti handi handimpiMecae handitmpMesae mpiMecae won Terpey second secondNitrate WHKI WHKINitrate Nitrate third Time Timei 14H 14HFourth 44 44Fourth Fourth race SUuion eourscm course Ani riennoWon ricano ricanowon won Vrlnccss Tltana soohn 5t otifl Oolden Ooldenj loidenMinecit Miners third Time TlmeliO TlmeliOFifth IriC IriCFilth Filth race mile sod seventy yard yardHenry yardyt1 Henry yt1 Clay Rye won JUn hale second secondAnvfl secondI Anvfl third TiMlJ7 4 4t I Sixth race seven furlonge flzrlurigsE Brat Bratt 1 tain won Ra flag Tag second Beat Man Manthtrd MaliI I third Time TImel2t 1 Keary Challenges the Winner WinnerMSlnaiifef WinnerMileaiui MSlnaiifef Wls Dcv Dr 3 CharteI Chariea CharieaNeery I Nasty of this rtty challenges the winner wtnnerof I of the OorbettHanlon bout tonight The TheI i ifollowtng I foLlowing telegram was today sent iwntReferee tq tqReferee Referee Craaey Crane to be read at the ring ringsjde ringejde sjde sjdeCharl Charl Charise Nea Nery ef M41waukee rhalteeges rhalteegesthe the winner 1 lJ pound nt 3 i erlock i lock For Forfeit Feefelt felt IM i is iwtd with MHwatkeu Jour Journal Jourtial nal AY RovUnd sporting odltor odltorNeary cdltqlY cdltqlYNoisy Noisy defeated Kid Broad eosd and freight a adraw adraw draw with Jack McClellan within the vast vastfour pastfour four weeks weeksCh weeksGold Ch Gold Medal dI Ifwe rDrskatsta rDrskatstaManager Skatdans SkatdansSfanajter Manager Mv1ei announced la last ty night nightthat nightthat that he would give a gold Ii medal valued valuedMt Mt a 00 fitt to the winner of the figure skating skatingcontest 5ktingcontest contest at the Airrtcnltnral put path rink on tinNew onhis New Tsars av Thi8 his contest i lit ora neeD neeDOft Oft to tira ra Irving In Utten Tutu Tututttn tten Ky Pie IK anxious for forwiwj fort wiwj lo Ftart in the fivemlio fivemlioruoc ruoc ro to tend in theft ertrlo tt oisoi out OtIO1tN NWS NWSOgtieti fife WasUigtei Are AreOgdeu Ogdeu Wednesday Dec 30 30Great 3OW3 W3 CLVI BALL BALLWks Wks a Great GroatSugt Success In Every EveryXwpect Bveryiespct Xwpect iespctTh XwpectThe The Th fifth annual bail and banquet ot otthe othe the Weber club lub occurred last night in inmans InDigusas Digusas mans halt in the Kiesel block The Thelr TkeWalt Walt lr wes a brilliant social function and andsiirceas anda a siirceas from every standpoint The ThebH Thei bH i room we tastMully decorated with withevergreens witheteigraees evergreens aj baa fl burning A large and andfashionable a rut rutslitonabIe fashionable throng enjoyed the dance un until onill ill the early hour or this morning The Thethe Theyarant yarant MOre room wider the hall warn waaed warnMaborittehy Maborittehy dinoratedand filled with 1 1Wm Wm lOi U1Qba14 tii pre preted ted ed an apeearmee ellnlsh perfect perfectin in their ieeoratkMMt ef atoUax with fe fewhite ted tedwhite white and Dink carnations and mirror mirroreffects gdrrmeffects effects Judge Roiapp acted as asHNuttsaaflter a utitsetmester HNuttsaaflter Among th the toast ached ch i iuled uled were Prosrewj in Ogdeti In li liFred ItfC ItfCFwd Fwd Ki Kieselt ael Ogden the qrcatest qrcatestMedical fteztest fteztestMedical Medical Center In the World A Con Condon or ordon don The 14adies adle souramm tkiirammTwip sourammTwlii Twlii Sisters atta sites Bin Sinter Arthur ArthurKuhn ArthurKuhn Kuhn Our Municipality Oeore MHaason MHanson Hanson Nothing at All 8 Joyce JoyceBEWABiE Jn cc ccBBA BEWABiE BBA ERz GREEKiFire GREEK GBEXPfre iFire BepaxtmwRt Dpartm Given Boa and andChief andChiei Chief Ignited IgnitedA A Mlvely flvel first occurred yesterday morn mornIng mornlug lug atl at its Ttrentyflfth street caused by bya a careless Greek feek who la the proprietor proprietorof of a new restaurant He was flUtyg the thebeater theheater beater of coffee urn with gasoline and andho andhe ho allowed th the liquid to overflow Then Thenhe Thpube he et the fivegwlton can on th Site floor floorand flobrand and touched a match to the overOiled overOiledreceptacle oerflh1edzseeptaIe receptacle instantly there warn a a flash flashand SIahSaul and almost immediately the free sjalloAs sjalloAscaught galloMasgkt caught flre The Creek nut feu ut withoutMra without withoutharm harm The fire ttr department wan quickly ojrtcJtlyon on the sees saA vat out the 3lage lae with withthe withthe the chemical Chief Graves in kicking kickingthe kickingthe the blazing can of gasoline out ot the theplace thepifted place sot hii garments on tlr fire and wa wath warn warnthe the th central flgfcre in a hot tlfte for a afew afew few seconds out was not burned Fur Furrent Forrest rent Geiger 0a of the firemen had hi hiwrtet his hiswrist wrist badly burned The damage to the theproperty theproserty property Wan aboutOAUGT about 25 25CAUGHT CAUGHT IN IDAHO IDAHOMan IDAHOMan Man Wanted Par Porjury Is Under UnderArrest Uisderrrcst Arrest ArrestSheriff rrcst rrcstSheriff Sheriff Bailey yesterday arrested Jesse JesseReese JeseeRacer Reese Rockefeuow who has been want wanted wantad ed for several weeks on a charge ot per perjury perjury jury claimed t6 have been committed in intestifying ifltlyig testifying for his III brother John Rock Rockefellow Rockefellow efellow who was convicted of causing causingthe causingthe the downfall of a girl at the Crittendon Crittendonhome Crittendonhome home The warrant was issued immedi immediately humediately ately after the trial but the young man mangave mangave gave the officer the slip He was lo located hocated cated at Glenns Ferry Ida and Hill be bebrought bebrought brought down from that place this morn morning mornlug lug by the sheriff sheriffTwo sheriffTwo Two Courts Running RunningTwo Two courts were in session yesterday yesterdayIn In Ogden one presided over by Judge JudgeKolapp udga udgaltolapp Kolapp and the other by Judge HartJudjpe Hart IarLJudge Judge Bart rendered a decision adverse adverseto to Sidney Stevens in Tils iis suit against hinst the theounialri theMOuntIn ounialri Water Ftnme Irrigation com company cornp507 pany He also denied the motion for a anew anew new trial made by the defendant in the thecase thecase case of Steed vs Qiasmann QiasmannJudge GlasmutnaJudga Judge Rolaprps time thu was mostly occu occupied octuspled pied wth the trial of Atoms and Hlg Hlg6REAT 111gQREATRIDE 6REAT QREATRIDE RIDE BY BURNS BURNSCarries BURNSCarries Carries OarSm Oarzan to Vtctoryand is is Glvejj an Ovation bythe Dy Dyihe the Crowd CrowdSan San Fraadseav Dec After a strug struggle stmuggle gle with FoaxiCthrouKh the stretch Oa Ossman Hman man the favorttf won the mile and stae staeteepth s4xteepth teepth handicdigt haztdic at IngteaUe today tt b3 a Shead ahead head He avei Iii a perfect iddc do by byBurn byBurnt Burn and thV th Jocky received an ovation ovationupon ovationupon upon his return to the stand FeesH led leduntil leduntil until the last Ju1p when Or Oarsman Oarsmanshowed man manshowed showed in front ont Longpriced homes heraeswere homeswere were successful In some of th the races racesHellas rucutHelIs Hellas at 12 to i took the third race for forwhich forwhich which Saintly was a strongly played payedta payedtavorite fa favorite vorite voriteTelephone voriteTelephone Telephone wier bid up from IO te 14Wh 14Whby JLK JLKby by DeAfmmn but was retained The Thestewards Thestewards stewards after considering the charge eMX50ma40 chargemade made by Jeckey Chandler that Caaaar CaaaarYoung assar assarYoung Young had asked him to uo around aroundfield a afieki field with KeiOc in a rac race at Oakland Oaklandaa P0 P0aft aa to get her beat agreed litat hat it was a aconspiracy ScanpIrcy conspiracy to try to break a contract held heldby heldby by Young They have recommended to tothat tothe the stewards ad the Pacific Jockey club clubthat that the license of the Jockey be revoked revokedHlMebrfrd revokedHtldebrand HlMebrfrd wa Ejspeadtt for ten days daysby daysby by Starter Holtman for pulling up Flea in inthe lbthe the second race Summary SummaryFirst SummaryFirst First race Futurity course sellingGoddess selling sellingQoddew Goddess of Night won Tuck Back second secondSaul secondSaul Saul of Tarsus third Time TImeIi TImeIiSecond llMt llMtSecond Second race five and a half furlongs furlongspurse furlongspureeWaterspout purse pureeWaterspout Waterspout won Et Tu Brute sec second eecond ond Ore Rose third Time Dimei 109 109Third dThird Third race Futurity course selling sellingHellas sellingHellas Hellas won Chorus Boy second Evander Evanderthird EvandertlIiZd third Timel13 Timel13Fourth TimeI 11 11Fourth Fourth race one mile and a sixteenth sixteenthhandicap sixteenthhandIcapOarsman handicap handIcapOarsman Oarsman won Fossil second secondDlvina secondDlvna Dlvina third Time TimeI lWi lWiFifth 464 464FIfth Fifth race six and a half furlongs sell selling selllagTelephone ing lagTelephone Telephone won Bombardier second secondinstructor secondIhetruetor instructor third Time Timei l2U l2USixth tli tliStxth Sixth race mile and fifty yar4s selling sellingStuyve achingStuyve Stuyve won AxMttiater second Rosarte Rosartethird Rosartethird third Tln Th141 Th141BONNB1VS eI eIBONUBifS BONUBifS SOiS EONS KICK iaocDont 3 Dont ont Want Lou Dillon tO Be Given GiveaKaud GivenMaud Maud Beoord BeoordKewr BwiordTew Kewr Terk Dec S8 9BObett Robert and andFrederifiMmer andFaderkt FrederifiMmer Faderkt oiser seas ene ot the late Kcbert gobrtBonner KcbertBonner Bonner haore leaped with the secretary of ofthe ofthe the American SWthg OtttRg Register Miaocia Miaociatten assodalion lion a protest aea4iurt the oOidal rave recoeBttUog ravenitlon nitlon of the rdoM made by CDhlUng BttUog mare Ue lees DUkm whteh at the tfteQleavTtle theOLsavitte QleavTtle twwcic at Cteveland let Septesther Sep September tember started stort to beat the record of 215 2 4 made by Robert Bonaert gre greware gat gatmare ware Maud eighteen years before belbreLou beforeLou Lou Dillon trotted tie mile mU in 2KX 2KXMaud 1i411Matni Maud made her record hitched to an anoldfashioned anoldfashioned oldfashioned hl highwheel hwheel sulky and was wasthe Wftsnot not aided In her performance 1uy any of ofthe the contrivances now now in pin use In their theirprotect theirpretest protect the iHSnners assert aaeerfFirst assertFlrstA First FlrstA A wind shield hlei3 preceded lx Loi Dii Diilon DliIotubut lon Iotubut ut no wind shield was used te Maud MaotfSs MaudSs Ss performance performanceSecond I IPioondAtcordlng PioondAtcordlng Second Accordmr to our iafarmatk iafarmatkand inruiat1onand and belief LOu Dillon was asettte aesioted by bysulky a asuLky sulky with ballbearing axles axlesThe xlesThe The protest declares that the sulky sulkytiaed sucv sucvused used br Maud could have been secured securedfrom securehfrom from the Bonnets for the asking askingMONBOB askingMONBO3 MONBOB IK TBIBOO TBIBOOBan t8an Ban Francisco Dec 29 2Xac Jack atunroc atunrocwho tunroewho who cam came here to sir ate the fight slid to today today day I am aow engaged to meet Tert TertSharkey ToSSharkey Sharkey I would Ukc the contest cottt et te bs bsbrought bebrought brought off here but as the vutflne ob obJ ohjects jects ects I shall have to fight him fifteen fifteenround fifteenroundi round in Boston BostonI I have not seen Jeffries dt late and andfor andfor for that reason havebeen hare been unable to holdHtttiiB hold bolda a pereesal conversation HtttiiB with aim on onI the theeat eat of TtgKt I I tmasrstand howe however howeverthat howeverthat that he fe 1 in no hurry rrr to sign artictta articttaand and 114 for fotbt that reason I shall go ahead an aniwWp and anduip iwWp uip ShafKey mialIcegand and others I MAT MATagainst gu guagainst against In due time I am satlsfleI aU fld th thpublic the thepublic public will demand that I be given a bout boufor bouttot for tot the championship championshipIt It in reported that Jeffries has seid id hwill ht htwith will rae mmd it Monroe should the latter de defeat defet feat Rublja RubljaK itublin I IBoas Boas May ii Meet Bcarmftr BUPM BUPMCharley tarsim tarsimChancy Charley Ross said last Ft evening that i iwas UWaS was Just possible he might meet Farm Farmer er Burnt the champUm tdlewplgh wrestler of the world in a contest herewithin within a short time He has Kent a ehal ehalteuge ehaiIese teuge to Burps ottering to wrestle hIm htmftfcr hImIS ftfcr a aide bet of 30 to 1SO and sn Winner Whtnfrtake Winnertake take an the gate ate receipts Burns urnrn asked askedwhat askedahat what terms erma Boas would meet him under underand underaM and these were weTellthIm sent him by return mail mailOBrien metOBrien OBrien Bests KellyKansas Kelly KellyKanoaa Kanoaa Kansas fifrv Doe TV Ir1 Phlltetphie PhlltetphieJack PhUi rltrlin rltrlinJefc Jack OBrien and Hugo Kelly fa ight ht a atnfound atknJiound tnfound bout in this city tonight which whichresulted whichresulted resulted in a draw OBrlena showing showingwas was as 4ivai dtarapointtg tH tnting many of the spec specatot ptc ptcBttors Bttors believing Wat tIat Kelly should have haveV havebeen been en given tven the decMon decMonHaye decImonHsvo Haye You ou One OneFolks Onepolks Folks Utah State Gaetter It Itness Bua BuaTWfts ness Dlnsotbry liurt ust issued Covers Coversentire CoverstWit tWit entire stat Ail buMtM apre4 apre4finsiottli trAro trArofewiona fewiona Represents over HMlf RI RIide ajso ajsoty ty Get a copy Pri Price 35 tPoik LPeik Poik Puke 67til Dwlv Bldg gins for robbery lie ll made Fevcrai pro probatc nrabate bate oroers howt however er denied nw tfor for a mw newtrial trial made by the plaIntiffs in inth intin th rHs keeef Dt A Smythe B3rtte awl awlagainst ise iseagainst against Charie Jtrrt tel urC urCa tt tta a divorce to SfjjUa Anderso rvn It tAnderson tAnderwru Anderson leT 31 Romelle Band BandRtv DeadFttv Rtv Ora Ira Wright Woived ioetved word yes yesterday yetterdav terday of the de death wrChrtstmrr i il tLoveland Loveland veiand Colo of Pv i Kitz KitzMr 1azMr Mr and an Mr Mitt itIzett xelit had many mu friend friendin uncutIn in Itab tctucrt vii rf they rPi reitieti te i tilt tim timMr uimMr Mr Koz Rozle Uc wits an Influential1 worker in it ititt i ith th Baptist church Ue Mr vrisht vrishthad Vrlghuhad had ncoeyted an invitation to leave cm cmThursday tntTburniuy Thursday for Loveland audceetiutt aBci cetHtucct aseries a aseries series of revival meetings hi Mr Ro Roaellea Itone1Iea aellea church He will coBtiaw nt hrcpques hrequest rcpques request of 1h the church crud nrt oxj cxctt ivs nj tabsent jabsent absent about two week weekFour weektFour Four to be SentencedThere Sentenced SentencedTb Tb There re will be four penitentiary sea sentences seafences fences imposed tomonrew morouig by byJudge byJudge Judge Rpla Rplepp pp Two a are ibr robbery The Themen Themen men to be sentenced are Wffltam Adams Adamsand Adamsand and Daniel Higgins They were found foundguilty foundguiltv guilty yesterday aftcfrBown by a jjry jjryafter iry iryafter after a ahert trtal Albert Han Haniy ry and andKlijah andElijah Elijah Moiriion who were caught in the theact theact act of rubbing the store of I Clark Clarkentered Ciurkentered entered plea of guilty and will be ecu sentenced ecuteared tenced at the same time timeBaptist time3aptlst Baptist Church Meeting MeetmjThe MeetingThe The annual bustoeae meeting and roll rollcall roflcall call of the First BainNt Baet chnrt rri will oo oocur 0 0cur cur today at th the church auoltoHuni Tn TnboalnescB TobsInese boalnescB meeting will coHim commence nr at 4 4oclock 4Yeioek oclock lunch will be served at 6 oclock oclockAfter ovIocltAfter After this there will be the annual roll rollcall Tollcall call with an address by Rev Beeth KIn Khinoy KInno noy no of Salt Lake and another by Rec RecFrank RecFrank Frank Barnett BurnettThe BarnettMr Mr Prepets BuriaL BuriaLThe The fuaeral of Parley Prophet Prnph will willtake wilttake take jrfSce Thursday at 12 oclock The Theservices Theeelvices services will be in the meeting house a aSouth aa aaSouth South Weber euer where hh death death occirrreU occirrreUMonday occurredMonday Monday under such dramatic dramaticstances circum circumstance stance Qgdsn Briefs BriefsJohn BrlnsJohn John Smith of Td IdaJto ioFalls Falls Is in Og OgSen Ogden den SenA A Cardoa and Mtes Cardon of Logan Loaanare Loganare are In Ogden OedenFraaJt uFrank Frank James sheriff UlnUt county countyVyotBtag countyWyoatiag VyotBtag was in Oeden 7eMsrdey ssr4ey ssr4eyH Caxsa sedetary etary ef the Na National National tional irrigates congr coiress ia Ogd Ogden OgdenNettle nNettle Nettle Aaletgh of Salt Lake is the theguest theguest guest of Mrs Andrews on Richard ave avenue ayenue nue nuei i nueThe The large tmouatain lioness known to tothe 1 the patrons of GHenwood pane died last lastnight lastflg night flg In the park menagerie menagerieA A marriage license was granted yes yesto yesterday terday to Robert femes Hart aged agedof 25 25icage of Chicago icage and Miss Florence Jones Jonesaged Jonesaged aged 17 of Ogden OgdenThe OgdenThe The Green Light saloon was attached attachedyesterday attachedyesterday yesterday at the suit of 1 Packett for forS1X S1X 11 in wage The place was yesterday yesterdayunder yesterdayunder under the charge of Constable ESteel ESteele Steel SteelTw SteeleTWb Tw TWb colored women known in Hudson Hudsonalley Hudsonalley alley as Marie Majors and ifcs Sun Sunshine Sunshine shine are locked up at the police stutton sta station tion charged with robbing a Swede who whofell Whofell fell into their clutches of 3 3A Nl NlA A very successful rehearsal of the theChorus theChorus Chorus club was given last night at the theTabernacle theTabernacle Tabernacle In preparation for the con conert concart cart ert tonight which to be given ves by the thefchooT thefllgbi fllgbi fchooT sIrle lrto asalsterf by leading leadingna icadingmusiIlaurn musiIlaurn na from Salt aIL bake and Ogden OgdenTwo OgdenTwo Two men givi gIvIth the names of William WilliamBerry WilbadiBerry Berry and Lynn 5herwee4 3hsrw od were arrested arrestedlast arrestedlast last nIght br the polkw lke aod lead 9td up upon upon on the charge o4 vagrancy The offleer offleerhad olflrnerehad had been shadowing them for some time timeand tIme5n4 and are convinced that they bofong to toBALL toa a sg of lure thing ueu and Will WillnkeY nkeY llrefer dharg4 gainat thOrn for forobtaining obtaining money under fahs pretenses pretensesALL BALL ALL PLAYERS PLAYERSFather MIX MIXFathr Father Tom Kelley and Jesse Stovall Indu Indug in intic it Pugi1is Pugi1istic tic Encounter EncounterFather Father Tom toa bees getting Into tototrouble Intofrede trouble i iPfccher IP1tebe Pfccher SibvaU toveu dttto dtttoThey dtoTby They bad a nerveew session in SeattIoft Seattle Seattleon on Chrtstoras Ctirf taas eVe re which ted un tb The ttepreseot Thepresent present ptffht Ii ht The Po0tInteUig PeetlutoftIgencer PeetlutoftIgencertells rncer rncerU tells about RFather ItFather Father Tom Kelly who AM short shortstop shortMop stop for Butte and Salt lake feat year yearand veerand and brought laurMs hometo hometothe Sttle by bythe the score and Jeave Stovtdi Stovtdithe pfleber for forthe the Cleveland club who te tthe the are of ofthe the fans f3 fivi east te west are booked bookedat at police bead headquarters arten Charged with fight ftghtmV fightbig mV big on the tb street streetAeoeraibg styaetAccording According te accoUnts EThg KJa ICoUy a abrotiier abrotbei brotiier of Father and Stevajl had hadonw bhdsome some words awl Wfore a settlement settlementwhich ras rasrenebed renebed Pkther Tom stepped Ia Then Thena a firstclass prise ring exhibition fotlewed fotlewedwhich which gathered A large crowd at the thenet ear earner net of Second avenue and James street at 1030 oclock last night Unfortunately Let ferthose Letthose those wh who looked ke4 for a finish Captain CaptainLaubscher CaptainLaubscher Laubscher happened along and the atfalr atfalrwas afIbliwas was a draw with Father Tom bleedIng from several openings in his face and andStovall andStovafl Stovall much muci excitedWOLCOTT excited excitedHamm WOLCOTT GBTSDEOISION GBTSDEOISIONEaanmom Hamm Eaanmom Larry LarryTaine Taia le Around For ForFifteen ParTlfte Fifteen Bounds 1oundsBoston BoundsBoston Boston Dee 3 flAfter After a fiftPSfliOufld bout during seven rounds of Which his hisopponent hisopponent opponent landed almost at will Joe Wal Walcott Walcott cott the colored pugilist was given the thedecision thedecision decision over Larry Larr Temple opie colored of ofStratford ofStratford Stratford Conn before the Criterion CriterionAthletic CrftetlonAthletic Athletic club tonight toniehtClos tonightClottp Clos work on the part of both boxers boxersmarked boxersmarked marked the contest from the first round roundWalcott roundWaicott Walcott rushing In at every opportunity opportunityonly opportunityonly only to be heavily countered and to find findhimself fIndhimself himself outclassed at mfighting In thethird the thethird third round Walcott scored a knock knockdown knockdown down which apparently did little littleage dam damage age ageIn ageIn In the seventh routKi Temple showed showedsigns afeow dsigns signs ef weakeniajcacM wsakening pist Walcott tanded tandedboth heidedboth both rights and lefts repeatedly with ten teneffect tolling ing effect Temple recalling severe punm pun Ovaiahmeutduzlng iahmeutduzlng nt durijir this and toe succeeding succeedingrounds sUcceedingrounds rounds 1ALF FRERAFE FRERAFEVia Via the RtaGende RtaGendeOne B4e Gijaade GijaadeOne One cringle fare fOr the iaizd rawd trip lot torthe lotthe the holidays betweenan3rtwo between a iwo jicinta otata on onthe onUto the line ef Ihe Bio Qamste ta Utah UtahS UtahSelling Selling Ulng date Dee 24 8S it and Jan lFinal 1Final Final limit Jan 4 4f 4Medico Medico ef Asseseaiant AsseseaiantCXOWTOCK AmornomartOMTOCX CXOWTOCK SILVKK XXNIKO 1t 1tPany COM COMipany ipany Pany principal place of bmineeK Salt SiltLade Lane City Utah bocatfen of mines Utab the thetab tab Mining district Summit amIt county Utah UtahNotice UtahNotice Notice is hereby given that at a meet meeting meetlag lag of the beard et dtoeeteN ef the Coo ONBtock CoostQck stQck tock Sliver Muting eean oomTjaay held at atU atpelt pelt Lake City fly Utah on Bit the 12th ay ayicember at at1ceesber 1ceesber icember 19W 19 an amassment of ten 0 0c tO tOoru oru nj per share befog nsaennnitnt JWo Nowe owa wa levied upen the oapiW ca lsl stock tasned tasnedt sd sdof payabie payabietreasurer treasurer treasurerof of the company at bite office rooms Han Mo Moand 7 and 8 Walker bank buIlding cernr cernrMh carnrMln Mh and Second South nir sslts tt8pdt silt La LaCity Lake LakeCity City Utah Any stock spi which whichiseosmeat iseosmeat nIna ke uapi tie tiedAy dAy of 3iflvar wlB 15 be dOtaMtuent dOtaMtuentand and aa tinrThh rerOaM for to tate art mAfic pgb auction aueUrniand auctionand and intlMB ImI payftest is oga sJ itfOPt re Will Willbe Willbe be sold at say etttee en eu tb tie 4th day of ofFebruary ofFebruary February H94 at 3 ocloclt to pay paydelinquent paydeflnquilnt delinquent assessment tether with tee teecost ta ecoat coat of adverUBfag and expense of Idle ssJeJ OBK OBKRooms OBERkDOPm Treasurer Treasurerlinonis Rooms lies 7 7iatC gr4 I Walker hang hangled led Main and nd Second Sooth streets Sail SailLake sit sitLake Lake City Utah UtahDated UtahDetd Dated December Ittk 1MB 1MBBedemptiea 1111Bedemptien Bedemptiea ef Ohuf Ohutch tsh Bonds Se Series Sonsa ries Salt Mke ke City Dos 11 11Notice JH JHKotice Notice is hereby given hat ha ptguuani ptguuanito HK oan oanto to the terms rms of the Bonds of me ClmrcB ClmrcBof of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints lrenzo Lream ream Snow tru trucember trpsteO lit dated lit litcember cember list 1 1I iiq there beIng puffIcIeuit puffIcIeuitfunds I funds in the i iPOEe rinking fund Tot let pui puipose pose POEe all of Series of said bonds are arsi arehereby i hereby called for redemption On the first firstday fitittday day of Janunry 1904 1904Said Said bonds are of the following denoaa denoaatnattcns denomInatlons tnattcns towitiii towit towit1W 1W bonds Hoe 1 to 100 100IN 58 ea eaSM SM bends Moe ee 1 to fM WMK 1000 bonds NOB 1 to ill illTotal 3WOd 3WOdTotal Total Totallionds 3S0B Wt WtUonds Uonds roust bit be presented te the undV undVaian undec undecutlgnal aian utlgnal Uustees oa or AJUer January 2f 2ZtlNt 3E lNt at th the Deseret National bimCo3sl4 bimCo3sl4T 3iuh 9d 9d1Ske 1Ske ike City with CisapsIm coVfmifrKes ifee to at anehed atched ched and Interest win wlft cease oa JUi JUiss niitlas itlas ss or Series on January mt mtLEWiS ao aov LEWIS WLLS WLLSDAVID mId mIdDAVID DAVID XCtUSST CL CLTruttutee Trustees a Delinquent NoticerlErERTlW Notice Noticeity rlErERTlW fu 1 ddse dse i if t4 ity lt flMh 1 taiL Not Tvrv Itt IttU Tuct uct ip tI the he foltoui IS cs i jon un account of a aateauent stKMi iciH NJ ii iiiii lw xon on th the isth day of November 1V t9 the theseveral thtteveral several amounts tot ct opposite the iii unus unusul usnitac ul tho respective retJve sharvho sharehoIdsi idera as follows followst Xi I Ii i iI I it itblals 1 14 TiNbals TiNbalslannic i to toi i lannic Rntt RnttW Ruitv Clark ClarkJ tw twi i A Earls EarisJ uJ A A Earls EarlsT ito si sitI tI A taI EsrUJ is isEtul A fc Etul EtulEarle iJls iJlsJ A Earls EarlsJ to toJ A Earls EarisJ 1 1a a A Earls EarlsHoUwacb his 4 HoUwacb Corfield CorfieldMartha 4 Martha Campbell CampbellW aip boil ct tit it James CaiitpeIL Id 1 5 5ts ts aitfota eui 6 tlflfflti 110 110t i ssrk urk urkW 1510 i 10 10t Bdmun 4Y 73 3 Clark leb tSI 81 higgins 2 2if 82 Barnett Langley uiglcy uiglcym Iki 2 00 00lISODay lISODay Day Higglnbotham Hl g1nbotham Ii 1 1ltd 1 ltd Wgginbothfctn WgginbothfctnMl 1 1l Ml HlggtabotUm HlggtabotUmV 1 I 9 Kt ginbotham I uisu 1 isu Ja Hamilton HnmUton5f I tie tieltd 5f ltd I MC9erv MC9ervoW 10 0 0txei oW I Meserve MeserveK I 5 5on on i iv Meserve Meserveaw aw I Msserve MsserveI 10 55 55tG tG I iv Meaaie evive eviveS 10 tO tOsog sog I iv Mesir Meet rvi 1 1eT 507 eT 1 MSSI oW is to tov I Meeor MeeorWL It ItNeL WL Mesert ser ettri I ti ttri 110 1 Mtf Mtserv er II ii 311 I AV Mes viessrva IC ICg12 612 Jlcscr oSIS es ti tiSi SIS Si An Lake Lakett LakeiaR iaR tt BcthwH 538 5 Frank Anderson tui It Ittil 529 Frank Anderson 10 ItI ItIPlitk 5 Frank Anderson AndersonM tO 4 0 0t Frank Andersehs AndersehsW i 2 it itW A WilSon WlttonB0 tU tUA B0 A Tlamanan TlamananIK its is isf IK HInes HinefiE 1 lt ltB HW HWM HInes fl flMarit Mrik Brokerage Co CoS 100 55 55gi Snow 77 77R loll te teidI idI Ltenle Rttt Wi 9 tI tIlLMRutt 5 lLMRutt lLMRuttOEAiree Rutt OEAiree Aires AiresSK 170 170A SK A Grtrtrwood Grtrtrwoodoff bite 10 Oui Ouil off Milner MilnerTM 2j it WI TM 5 Mitotr Mitotrm M1 it et etidB idB Mllaer MllaerS ies Ice Ices Milner Milner5W 1xl JI 5 5W Milner MilnerSW SW Milner 711 i iTT 377 TT Rutt 1s1 125 28 MituUe MWoodruff MWoodruffS7 at woodrulf tin 1 Ut S7 579 i I Woodruff 559 1 I Il1 581 John A Houghton It it itt 884 Theo Endem Endem6sS im ii uIs 6sS Kellogg KcUoggHt 000 Its 01 01Id Ht Kellogg ttogg iO 587 17 Jrmain Ou to tos 6 1 Jermaln JermalnKB tue 3 ts KB Once OwBHO UO SEarl HO Earl Dunabee DunabeeGuy 0 tGuy Guy Milner MilnerO IltI 554 05 Roen RoenSSfr 4l I It SSfr I Parker Parkeri lUlhul 5 5I i fi Ciela le leWO litu lituOJO WO Cute 1oG 97 7 iv Langley LaogleyM II lii liigg Langley Laagleyi t1 Pj i ftf 1 1 Hamilton Hamiltoni tiamUton 1 Ii i ttl 1 Uamflton UamfltonU 10 vj vjcit 7 Hamilton HamiltonSW ito Ii Iig Craaaer CraaaerJ ltic ii SW 1 1 Hamilton Hamiltonm Wt WtH Doscher Doscheri to ut utPohloeli i Pollock i Co Com noc itu ituId LH Id IUW 11t tic 55 55J i A PoUpck Co Cotfi 14 tfi 1 A Pe PsOeh Co CoBl LO hi hil Bl A Campbell 1c tiu tiuz 1 CU A Campbell CamibellM 1M sai A ai a CamPbell ludO ludOz 7 Hedges i2t0 Ut UtD 8 Woodruff WoodruffK li Its 55J 55JhI hI Woodruff WoodruffI itt io ioE I MI Woodruff WeodraffD Sci SciB Woodruff WoodruffD too to ta taII Woodruff WoodruffO itu i iMisats MUtate Woodruff Bel 10 10t I Mittie WOodruff WooAruffHB 1 2 ul1L HB WTB Booth BoothH 3LI 35Q 35QH ti tVB Booth BoothJ7f L14 21 dI I J7f Deremux DeremuxW4 15k Ut UtLii W4 1 Deveraux ina i Ut Utia 4 ia 1 Deveraux Deverauxf 1110 zr 4 4ss ss Deveraux DeverauxC 3lO WF Deveraux Deverauxt L5 2b It Itoh oh Jk 4 9 Campbell I Iam am 8 John Milaer MilaerLu 4t is It Itlad Lu Archer ArcherJohn 4a 4as John Milner MilnerT7 iciO It ItIC IC PITIIDL tUPtti 4 It Ita T7 8 a Milner MilnerH 3elz 5144 5144lIlss ASMS Morris MorrisB oo ilIt ilItz A Hartenstein HartensteinaH im aH 1 A Hartehsteto HartehstetoCM 10 tfl 4 4ee CM HEZere Zerbe 500 1It 1Itm 708 Row Rowm i5A1 It It7It Mate Bv Craaoer Craaoer7i 113 tIt 7i 710 Cramer 1Itu a 711 1 JCyer JCyerI 1Q I 72 I O7M Y3er ie to t7JSLGYar 7M 7JSLGYar 7JSLGYarni 714 A McKenzie 5tdO leo 4 43l 1 3l A MeKenafe MeKenafeP laftkl 40 714 A McBensJe cnsie Os 717 71 PAMe1r4u1 A McKetHde 4 hut hutfltQMrts 719 fltQMrts CL Airia 1 4O 9tt 727 LFIWnodl Hamm el 201 738 7 1 3 Daynes Jr Itilh 2ij 2ijl3 78 l3 Daynes jr jrTM 15510 51 TM 1 3 Dejmes Jr Jr7W 1010 7W 8 Pulver 7 739 Herman Pill PillIU LOit 20 UI UIT4 IU T4 A Vomit YeeacW ItO 1201 1201yc yc grant grantest lIt 2 27dI 7dI 15 West est tt4 5 It 744 Wee 515 10055 74 7 A dtestrrtM dtestrrtMT4 IdSo T4 7 Deveraus Deveraus7CO en 12 It ItThu 7CO A Chesterton ft Co 123 2 4 753 75 Duncan 2000 It Dexter Gold Mining inirg company cmrtifl cmrtiflcates earUficalms calms for which owners are ar entitled to tocertificates tocertificates certificates of equal aqua amount7 amount of shares tn tnthe Intie the DexterTuscarora GeM Mines com company cornKames pany panyCert Cert Name Shares Amt AmtB7 AintEl B7 Moroni Snow 2M 4W 4WS 400st st Lee 8a 5tAj puq puqd4ZOLae 64 d4ZOLae Lee 5M teat teatE 65 Lee MO 1011 1011at 09 Le Lee 39 3 a nsa WI4 1 I4 Lee gao 8010 141 Lee 3 3m nat 11 O1e We at I 14 O1eeI 1 2BO 44z1Ime 400 z1Ime 1777 Mm 14uiSCuatw1 uiSCuatw1 uc 200 2007IIo 7IIo 7WAIny 100 rut ruta4d a4d Dy DyLDouinas LDouinas 00 00lii lii 3 II DouglM io 2 2JLHauitttO JLHauitttO 401p 401pht1EOttee ht1EOttee Lee iou iouN 5 IL ggfttha Scath HI HISMectle 4 017 MertIe awing wisg sot ci ciJ SMectle IT LabIa 00 iuui iuuiion ion SoutlrtroMh tci or 1009 Soathworth 2 10 1010 souMnprorth ott 1011 Andrew Herat HeratWSS rev to WSS Southworth SouthworthM2 Southwerthtue i ss sslea M2 lea TL 8o Soulworb tkworth tkworth1M 101 i 55 55tOol 1M tOol Souttworth SouttworthVm to 2 0 0tOmLoDay Vm tOmLoDay 8 Day DayKM7 100 m10175ODan KM7 10175ODan 8 Day DayM 4 4I I OlWden OlWdenVtt 155 255 255p Vtt Sottthworth SottthworthJ84 iui t1E4 1E4 J84 Xiaeetnan trustee 50 Iii 00 00l 1368 ttseoraan trustee trusteeJ oo jo i i1Ot 1Ot 4 Lee LeeIltf 500 10 Iltf Ix Ix11M Tee 5 11M 1 Lee Lee3J islU islU1s7 3J 1s7 7 Lee Leeli 1410 00 00II00LOLa li II00LOLa Lee Leelh 100 te te1hO lh 1hO Lee Leem lIt 1121 I Lee ee ipi ipiIth Ith 11 KHaa tleghorn tleghornOt leghorn itt I Si SihIt hIt Ot Kettle Landlck Landlckttfe tat 1100 2e5tle LandIek ctic i iI I NtIeT 151e1151ek mu iii 1151 Nettle Laa4kk 155 2 2n h4iseLaadch ttfe i iFierw lute i in 0 Pierce iW 2 wHT4 HT4 Pieces PiecesU7 toe i tie tielTd U7 lTd Darling trustee nUSS ii iiu USS A MeKafe 230W 4V so 1185 jr A Utreet tret sUS 0 5 US 1104 8 Mner 1 t5j t5jTillearora oTuscarora Tuscarora Gold Miniug company ccrUU ccrUUcatea certlhtcates catea for which owners are entitled to tocertineates tocoytificatee certineates of equal amount of shares mthe inthe the DexterTuscarora Consolidated Goad OowtMines GoadMines Mines company cemoanyCert companyCrIt Cert Names Shares Amt Amtlit tnitIts lit A 1 Burrows 2oftu 40 ott ottA 3 A Burrows is 00 00I I Id 6 Lulu Milner 1 IZr i tw 101Z 137 A Burrows SM 7 lUl is Ul 1 Lclu Lab Milner 4 145 14 A tW Burrows iou a ia iaOrders ue uei i Orders for atook for which cntificatca cntificatcahave esrtifleatcshave have not been issued and Lot whjih holdr5 hold holdera era r5 are entitled to certificates for equal equalamount equaiarentint amount of if share in the DexterTuscaro DexterTuscarora ra Conattlidated Mines eoapany eoapanyNames companytNames Names NamesK Shares Amt AmtF Pierce PierceAndrew I2 tlJ tlJAndrew Andrew Hpwatt HpwattH oWtt I IH 8o SoSijbwnrth SoSijbwnrthS lhworth lhworthS Southworth SouthworthM tM Southworth SouthworthH ti Soutbworth Soutbworthr i ie 4 8 Olidd udder nW tie tiew A Je MvKay MvKayii iA iAH Southwovth SouthwovthH to toIf Ss iencisu nma iJM tus1ee lee leeC LoO 2Oip La tJf 3007 en Ii IiEhiSti KHta leghorn tt 13t 13tt Arthur SwrrOw SwrrOwS tOw 12w 2S 2SS Miincr 12 and in acnrdait uitt a rila ila t5 lirtwter mail mailit it of tsar 0 cetrary titl titlI I tic 4s tt ttI I it Sit i I I I tat i 11 ii 2 tt erus I 7 tSOuo tSOuothretin thereon thereonwnd tsgctt wilt att rufid wnd expense Xheld of rut 1 ii crt crt3lccorniei 3lccorniei 3lccornieiStcLlOiders StcLlOiders holders Meetiay MeetiayXMKHOM Meet iag iagli li IF XMKHOM or oriinintf iF 1 1iP iP 1 1 tinin iinintf ut ny Nthat NLi Li rhy I that a i ft tins tinsatd tin a autOKlii1v utOKlii1v said tosTi tini ay win winc Wliheld held at th cWalker misys oi SZ 2 lSalt i5aIker Walker buinin buininat Salt LiV lt City Cityj 1 1at at 2 ocUKk Ii Moi 2stoi if Jauua Jauuarv ti Iisa 1504 for tin he rrcp i ia of hirnf I ag the si utfers i ithe fers rcp reptt tdirectors i the i of it a vor I ddIrectors directors irv ir or the ither purtee purteeUansaSttri pui ce ceicb transactjnii transactjniiaw icb oth businuo inei is isiity sie aw iity proper i ie before auld meet meetr 1 1 LLOYt Sccreta SccretaStockholders SecretuStockholders Stockholders Meeting MeetingilE ilE Rlfcri iR NrL Mi Milldatil IEi1 IEi1it it atoekiattl ta 1 BntlcrLtI rat ratsiIdatl lldatil lldatilat fling i any be behl hl at th tht ft a tb mpany mlt 4 i Pierc bmuk rlt lt 1tkc akc ety ty tytho 5 II on Moclock Miiy Juvt the flit i 144 144ii 04 04aa ii I oclock 1 Th aa ital olcctii eectiIffitrs fffiisrs ffiisrs will sad and i stub rh other otherIi jn jnnc nc Ii iu will VH is i esactesi aci may pn tt pt ry ryin rlyims ims in before mcti mctiIited mCIII Iited I ted Dcccmticr 28t1 i sD 13 1 TiiOMPSON TiiOMPSONSecrelt itjMpoxecrct Secrelt SecreltNOT1CK ecrct ecrctNT1C1 NOT1CK IS lu HEREBY liVEN TfAT TfATon Ii i ithe on the lith diy of Janu ry n4 Uiock 5 orb a ru at the house in TIJ TIJiorKville i ttuinjllc iorKville ii iu ru etlng of i tI Btockhouerx Btockhouerxthe stoekho1 rthe the Nert Xi rUi tt Jordan irn 1 rr ition connuiy connuiyiil colat mv mvSE SE iil be hoU Icr the nrve of consii Corti sbit rInsr bit the follWing amer amenthnts rtrrints to tn ar ari artiles i tiles of la latlon ion iovlt iovltI ie It Itmrttck I Article Ill Amended read tie f1tvt f1tvtC wI I be objc i a iMd puremit pureiu nf if imslnvps in ui uithe 1 1ii ii the widtnliif widnli exten extsndir iic and miir flIts I ilr ilrrij 1 rij 1 of the th Nrth itb Jonlir canal I tl tlin hutItt in North JovJan Irrlicuti i dlsuict A tttt ttttIte tiike iike countv coui anu tf cunvpy nvey thn jjih jjihUdd jg jgttld Udd ttld canal that portii potti i the th wat watUlver WI I Iltlvir Ulver Jorti owned hy th the suHsi usue i iosreto wi wii i vreto aunT Hereby i rob tra tratijfftrred orerred and art it iteyed i iI I eyed to ili 1 it usttociruii t5icj I 1 also ti tir tirhaee tire haee and apropriatt id in any itt rr ruirl ruirlVer tvery very Ver maisrfi acquirv tttdltiifltl 4itUi i it snn snnthrough rthrouph through any nd every ever tiTLe io i di diI ditnibuttil I trfbuttHl by tie said ri iiny bc bcgaftaing rgaltxlng galtxlng all Itfrlous ifiTiases i hiLdtis art fll il ilrrorwiatinn i I tiropriation iii th ths thIn 5 irs nit of snld sal om omI lui luiplain I plain snit id water i be dlposu IISPo or orj a I Isold Hold distrired dtstri1 ted anti i annually un uner urtar tar er the dlreftton and sn i ervisim euvisionrustcs ervisimru ru rustcs tecf of i this assncattciY for lrri i ncr ncrand Kand and culina or othT iMrtxises iMrtxisesthlc sthis this end tic iii said rise ispocintion ni tion saall saallstrurt ot otstruct strurt and ttit laaintaln nl nII i ctesarv 5sarv i it itheadgitteus mheadgatCK headgatCK flumes coivh pipes ti tiother avy avyother other and iliiferent me rn i which riav rn4 1 1found ie iefound found rwcr neestary ary and ii 5 the intcn fthe fthe the assosatisn asso iiti to fa IiiTtc usc control rejr rejrulate rs rsulatit ulate and dIstribute 1 vut alr thin iihmsaid thinsaid said North I Jordan Irrivalfn itti ii tiota distrii distriiIt sist I i CIt It now cxts er tornrrer her ner may ni nitered tit tittered tered teredArticle teredAttichi Article Amended 1 read as 1 ws wsI wI I The citial rai ial stock this ssocjtiu associitttS ssocjtiushall shall be SltW si nci divided Into tfluti arcs arcsof aresof of 123 pnch the additi addltitiI nil two thousand thousandshare thiumadshares share provided for IS this am amitiu iincnt iincntto neat neatto to be placed In the tr trury mury to li dis disposed dliposed posed of by the board of dir dheucs iry io iopresent 10present present xtitrkholders such other ithc pir pirSOBS rsoce SOBS thprey created ickholdera the iheboani theboatI boani of ti directors many leternslno leternslnoThis htrzninThis This stockholders1 meeting is It calril lv lvthe rthe the board of director it a session hcd hcdDec hcdDec Dec 4 1W5 ii HORN HORNSecretary 4 Secretary SeenetryNOTIC Secretary2COT1CK 2COT1CK NOTIC HEREBV UEREBYGIVEN GIVEN iHAi iHAithere AI AIthere there will special meeting of th the stocK stocKholder itocKboiderut holder of the Turngrcu Mining eoupany eoupanyon on the lth day of Jannar Junnary ir hull at atoclock Joclock oclock i at room 315 MtCornfrIbuilding Mcromick Mcromickbuilding building Salt Lake City Utah The ob object tttject ject of the meeting is is to It elect i the a arloua iidons dons off offiers I era and to authorize the trus trustees trustees tees to sell bond or give options up upirt upirtthe i ithe the property of the corporation or any anypart anypart part thereof thereofHARRY thereofHARRY HARRY LENNOX Director DirectorTHE DirectorAininient Aininient Notice NoticeTHE THE COPPER RANCH MINING COM COMpany C0dpahy pany principal place of business SaltLake Salt SaltLake Lake City Utah Notice Is hereby given giventhat glventhat that at a netting eUng of the board of direc directors directore tore of the Copper Ranch Mining com company cornpan pany pan held on the 7th th day of December December190k 190k 101 an aaaeaament ement of onehalf cent ont pshare rshare share wad levied on the capita stock or oftile orthe the corgoration issued and nd outstanding outstandingpayable outstandingpayable payable immediately to Ben Lloycl Lloyclsecretary LIoyLsecretary secretary at his office room S2C vWalker 1 1Walker Walker building Salt Lake City utah ITtabAny utah4ny Any stock upon which this assessment assessmentmay aasetanien aasetanienmay may remain unpaid on January Kth 1904 1954will 1904wilt wilt be delinquent and advertised for sats sainat satsat at public auction and unless payment paymentmade I Imade made before rit be sold on Monday MondayFebruary MondayrPhbruary February Ktb th MM at oclock noon to toI toPSI I pay the deUaquent assessment together togetherI togetherwith I with costs of advertising and expenses ol ollaale ofsale sale BEN LLOYD Secy SecyBoom SecyRoom Boom 32 Walker Building Sail SailI SaltLake I Lake City clt Utah UtahWhat UtahWhat What Time TimeIs TimeIs Is It ItASK ItASK ASK PHONE 65 JEWELERS JEWELERSSALT SALT ALT LAKE 1AK CITY CITYit CITYyyYYltrfIr4EIfultruE yyYYltrfIr4EIfultruE yyYYltrfIr4EIfultruEvoiii voiii EYES EYESXeed it Need the most careful attention attentionj gou If you ou go right on straining them themJ kand and never wear glasses theyH go goX goback back on yon and then youll re xJ tgret grct your negligence Come now nowthem nowand and let urn test anti fit fitthem them with reliable glasses glassesRisrts 4 4X 4itshwers itshwers OfttotI Factors Parters5l FactorsWEST 5l 7J WEST FIRST SOUTH SOtTitBoxing JBoxing Boxing BoxingKM KM 1at per month Night class 7 30 Mon MonMoore Mday day Wededy Vriday VridayEUGENE EUGENE THOMPSON THOMPSONMoore Moore Gymnasium 4C Sooth Main MainLa MainLa La Garage Garageef ef AUTOIWaCS art a BICYCLES BICYCLESSiHXtoHy tCYCIiSFJi FJi Steed SJWMgaItdTIIWI SJWMgaItdTIIWIa a SiHXtoHy lf Mfltrfc Inilc Garaiwifteojef 264 States State Pfctmc 2080K 2080KSALT 2080KSAlT SALT LAKE TURf TURfEXCIANeE I IXCIIANfiI EXCIANeECaliformla EXCIANeE XCIIANfiIKBNON KBNON EOTZL EOTZLCalifornia California apd Eastern Races Racesimt 0 cxEa Cia Big aforunnaustral aforunnaustralt I islsa dieehsrgeetalanuroatioo dieehsrgeetalanuroatiooGsizaNit GsizaNit imt iriittios tion or oror elersitien elersitienttWWui ttWWui St nutcos uenbrsn uenbrsnPswstiass Pswstiass Pinieu and nc ittizt ittizta a 1vMlUsltM gstorpotosi gstorpotosiciiiesn ciiiesn Sold by brul his hisor or wet in plai pIsitu peer 1 xpn rpri PtOO tot totOO tOO OO 3h 3Kitili tt Sa a ii seat at 41.
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